u watched this 6 hour OP vid yet?
Sounds like a great watch but I cannot bring myself to watch a 6 hour video regardless lol. Anything above an hour at most is seriously pushing it for me. I might listen it to in the background as I'm gaming or such though. It's tempting.
Kinda feels like a deliberate counter argument to Drizzts 6+ hours Downfall of One Piece series too, well Part 1 was 6 hours long alone and god knows how long his Wano one will be! Much better than Joyboy Theoriess response to Drizzt I'm certain too, I absolutely hate Joyboy Theories for many reasons and that post above with him faking the return of Gin is just adding to the many reasons to hate his two faced, petty, narcissistic ass too.

I never thought of OP as an "Odyssey" but its perfectly fitting in hindsight and we have the new Odyssey game ofc! One Piece is Oda's Epic, his Magnum Opus or w/e. To spend over 25 years of your life working on something, up to 21 hours a day at least, is something truly insane, superhuman, ridiculous and unimaginable but yet he did it!
Oda's dedication and passion are truly extreme, for better and for worse. The man lives and dies for his work and art. He even told his editor, you better be ready to die for our work or don't bother, pretty much!
This echoes what I said in another thread, about Oda lives for the adventure, that grand, epic, thrill seeking experience. Wonder, majesty, enthrallment, whatever. He is perpetually young at heart and it shows in his work and personality immensely.
He is deeply inspired by many things including the "Romance" of adventure and exploration of course but also that 80's rule of cool, flashy, chaotic, take no prisoners/high octane etc type culture and lifestyle. The ultra masculine (with some flamboyance at least too) and such lol.
Jojo's very much lives and breathes by that too, especially Part 3/Stardust Crusaders and maybe Part 7/Steel Ball Run too. It's why I love these series too. Megas XLR, Power Rangers/Super Sentai, Ninja Turtles, Gurenn Lagann, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and whatever else come to mind too.