So essentially you are saying "just assume" lol.

The shawk having m1 durability as an added bonus to shawks seraphims durability is a solid point though
yea aside form that the rest is speculation

i think its reasonable to assume if not factual that their base durability is the material they are made out off which given how oda has introduced materials that are shock proof and germa exo it can be any the sky's the limit for science on egghead but i'm just pitiching the known and you'd expect that no, but also given how S-bear or paw i shrugging off gear 4 attacks like no body's business it makes you wonder too

so to complete what i said its reasonable to assume that all seraphim's have a base material they are constructed from ,the lunarian durability is an addition on top of it. in serahawk's case he has an additional durability buff when you factor in his devil fruit .

why is the proposition that he should be tankier and more durable than king sound ridiculous then?

with that lane of thought you can argue S-shark is less durable to S-paw or bear and S-bear is inferior to S-hawk too when it comes to durability..unless aside form S hawk the durability is consistent among the rest .... and sanji's flames are something special that may have damaged s shark given the reaction .. or not but thats besides the point

what we cannot distinguish is how is S-paw or bear more tankier than S shark
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