Very flattered people believe an admiral going down would shatter the entire world. Meanwhile Crydo and Big Job downfall were merely treated as footnote .@MarineHQ
From @EtenBoby: Sanji looks pretty good this chapter, S-Shark punched him but didn’t do any damage but the other stuff and York’s goal description from previous spoilers are fake.
1078 Escape Time Limit Cover: establishment of Neo MADs -York wants to become the only Vegapunk and Celestial Dragon
-Franky didn’t lose consciousness but can’t move due to half of his body being petrified
-Narrator states that tomorrow the result of this event(what happened at Egghead) will shake the entire world.
Dawg Morj is such a clown
Yeah the Green shit too
But thats what I mean, Zoro's admiral fight is Kizaru (Yellow) and Sanjis fight is GB (Green)
Its the reverse parallel or wtvr
Worst case scenario is Law and Kid steal both Admirals
They're too cold to be bitches. They had no fear of Akainu or Shanks. Usually fodders are shown sweating and shit but the Gorosei were totally confident.
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