Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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Imagine there is someone out there who is a huge One Piece fan and has a terrible illness that offs him this week and this is the last chapter he reads.

Reminds me of that Family Guy scene with the guy trying to lighten up the mood for kids who will die soon.
I mean Seraphim in itself is a shit-tier idea, and now it's starting another shit Z vs S week, couldn't ask for something better.
what official? advertisment? Fillers are also official, but they are fillers
No, this is just official.
S-Snake's biggest power is her devil fruit out of the Lunarian durability, not physical attributes, fighting style or race
Cope all you want, she has the genes of one of the strongest women from one of the strongest tribes and can't crack Wranky's iron jaw.
He doesn't. Nothing suggests it
nothign sujest other wise all of king attacks were weak except his ultimate or maybe that strange facew laser he did . Quen was legit joking about being hit in the butt by one of king attacks that sent zoro flying. King attacks powere enver seen impressive he was just a skilled fighter trying to disharm zoro and stuff.
Ifriit look way more powerfull then king fire.
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