Powers & Abilities Power ups for Jinbe?

This is tough because we haven't even seen Jinbei go all out. All we know is that he is around YC2 level having drawn with Ace and being capable of stopping/attacking Big Mom/Akainu for a short while. Handled Moriah and Who's Who with relative ease. Also smart enough not to try it with Katakuri, Magellan or Blackbeard.

He obviously lacks speed. That's tough to do anything about.

But a clear power up would be if he could follow in his fellow fishmens footsteps - add a sharp weapon that does external damage in addition to fishmen karate internal damage. Fishmen Trident would be my choice.

Fisher Tiger - Sabre, pistol, bazooka, swords
Neptune - Trident
Hody Jones - Trident, sword
Jack - Swords
Arlong - Shark Saw sword
Alladine - Trident

He has Zoro and Brook in the crew, they could teach him and he should already have the basics as a former top soldier.
All we know is that he is around YC2 level having drawn with Ace
He did not "draw" YC2 Ace.
He drew with ROOKIE Ace

Even fucking Ace novels understood that and had Jinbe amazed at how much stronger Ace gotten as "YC2" than him since they fought:

What you are basically saying that Lucci "drawing to a close fight" with preTS Luffy means he somehow relative to current Luffy lmfao

and being capable of stopping/attacking Big Mom
He never stopped Big Mom. He got sent flying.
And pushing Big Mom with his ultimate attack means jackshit when Robin and Franky pushed Big Mom casually.

Akainu for a short while
got burned to a crisp

Moria was weak shit, barely as strong as Pacifista
and Who's Who with relative ease
lmao as easy as Franky and Robin handled their tobiroppo considering they all started and finished the fights around the same time.