- Robin, Atlas and Chopper are confronted by S.Hawk just before they arrived at the abandoned lab, however Zoro riding in Kaku's full zoan form so he wont get lost, arrives and fight him
- Robin captures York and forces her to command the seraphims to stop the rampage and undo the stone effect on everyone
- She says she can't undo it, because they were commanded to not stop until the Vegapunk's are eliminated, they are also going to assist Government forces once their warships arrive, one of the Gorosei are personally coming to the island, only they will be able now to overwrite the command given by me
- York warns Kaku that him and Lucci are also in trouble for helping enemies of the Government, know that over 100 warships are heading towards egghead
- Ships are starting to circle around egghead from a distance
- S.Bear wont shut down his flame, but he gets sent flying outside and sinks into the water, which turns off his flame and renders immobile being a df user
- Saturn notices it's S.Bear in the sea and orders Kizaru to have a squad swim to pull him up, that's already a great start for them
- In an epic double spread Egghead island is shown with a lot of ships circling around it
- According to Saturn the moment he takes control of Seraphims he will place them outside the island and have them together with warships and Kizaru launch a full scale attack attacking enemy and ally if someone is left behind, no questions asked