
What could have been...
Juliet was immune to her at night if she submerged, Micat/Rhea would stop invests on your team,etc. There was counterplay at night..
we didnt have micat first cycle, and his ability doesnt counter naomi at night lol. it counter during the day yeah. we wud definitely used it if we have him. we got lucky and found him to join us by cycle 2. imagine not being so lucky

we have no indication whatsoever that a tracker's ability is a devil fruit ability. thats just asking us to rely on luck not our own control / skill / night actions. from what we see a busdrive shud stop cops on me and shud stop doctors on mono. its perfect.

the busdrive got bypassed by a tracker. eh its wahtever its SRM none cares. was it funny at the moment. ofcource not, unless i am a masochist