we didnt have micat first cycle, and his ability doesnt counter naomi at night lol. it counter during the day yeah. we wud definitely used it if we have him. we got lucky and found him to join us by cycle 2. imagine not being so lucky
His ability counters day or night, its counters the first invest thrown at your team.

we have no indication whatsoever that a tracker's ability is a devil fruit ability. thats just asking us to rely on luck not our own control / skill / night actions. from what we see a busdrive shud stop cops on me and shud stop doctors on mono. its perfect.
You said you had no way of countering Naomi, I told Juliet basically countered her. I couldve made her track immune but submerge served the same purpose. Understand that it wasnt too clear.

Bus drives get countered by Bullseye passives and what Naomi had, its fine.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
This has nothing to do with hosting or the setup. Both were fine. It had to do with me being tilted too much I snapped, also because two of my main pushers who contributed to it were mods who I couldn't even put on ignore. Reason I reestablished my truth tell to avoid such a situation by using it and stop pushes like this.
yes subjectively there were things that happened in an SRM game u didnt enjoy. same. fuji takes it too personally


The End and the Beginning
honestly if ur going to put a tracker that his actions process first without giving mafia a ninja killer dont bother lol, unless u advertise the game as SRM or whatever then its justified
It's also not your place, or indeed anyone's, to tell people to not bother hosting.

There is really no reason for this level of antagonism.
I would say a game in which Town still has a chance to win and all is fair game, despite two Mafia teams merging, is balanced af. Town was beaten by Mafia's better thread play and because people decided it was cool to focus the first 3 days on a single player who was Town. That's all, Kekko. The game itself was good. Just my personal experience wasn't. But that's because of players and not the setup or host.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
His ability counters day or night, its counters the first invest thrown at your team.

You said you had no way of countering Naomi, I told Juliet basically countered her. I couldve made her track immune but submerge served the same purpose. Understand that it wasnt too clear.

Bus drives get countered by Bullseye passives and what Naomi had, its fine.
yes i still stand by it. there were ZERO ways of countering naomi at night. read my sentense

if we use micat's ability at night, naomi process first. we have to use it during the day which is okay no complains there... except.. micat isnt even in our team. we got lucky we found him cycle 2 otherwise he wudnt be there for longer

and jules ability is a day ability too that makes us rely on luck that an invest is a devil fruit abillity

all u r telling us here is that the game shud play itself. we shudnt use busdrive or roelblocks to stop a tracker cuz fk that. we need to exactly use jules ability or gtfo, mind u we had 0 indication that a tracker wud be devil fruit

i think full immunities on cop roles is strong asfk. immunities to redirections ON naomi would be fine. immunity to redirections ON naomi's TARGET or busdrives will be a bit too strong. now u give her immunity to roleblocks rolecrush etc.. ALL in same night its just insanely strong.

this is cait's passive from arcane btw. and no im not claiming that game was perfect, but thats about the MOST immunity id ever give to a cop role and i regret doing it

she was immune to having her OWN actions redirected in n1. meaning she does not bypass busrives. only n4 onward she did. here:
also she was roleblockable just fine etc..

[Prequel - Bullseye] - Caitlyn is a professionally trained marksman. She is permanently immune to having her own actions redirected. After Act 2, Caitlyn will also bypass redirections protecting her target. After Act 3, she will also ignore bus drives completely.
yes i still stand by it. there were ZERO ways of countering naomi at night. read my sentense

if we use micat's ability at night, naomi process first. we have to use it during the day which is okay no complains there... except.. micat isnt even in our team. we got lucky we found him cycle 2 otherwise he wudnt be there for longer

and jules ability is a day ability too that makes us rely on luck that an invest is a devil fruit abillity
Jule's ability activates during the day but it carries over to the night, it literally said it in the role....

Funny you ask me to read stuff when you dont. I already admitted I couldve been clearer regarding the immunity part.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
She literally told you it had nothing with the setup or me, bro do you even read the stuff you respond to?
i didnt say anything about the setup. the games themselves have been frsutrating to flowa. there r myriads of reasons to be frustrated about a game that arent setup related. or could be indirectly by having players suspect her for setup related reasons

what im saying is flowa was frustrated in that game. probably more so than i was
I would say a game in which Town still has a chance to win and all is fair game, despite two Mafia teams merging, is balanced af. Town was beaten by Mafia's better thread play and because people decided it was cool to focus the first 3 days on a single player who was Town. That's all, Kekko. The game itself was good. Just my personal experience wasn't. But that's because of players and not the setup or host.
Yeah they death tunneled you and then Indigo the indie.
i didnt say anything about the setup. the games themselves have been frsutrating to flowa. there r myriads of reasons to be frustrated about a game that arent setup related. or could be indirectly by having players suspect her for setup related reasons

what im saying is flowa was frustrated in that game. probably more so than i was