Which One is the Most Heart Melting Confession?

  • Flower's Tragic Love Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charlie's Work Affair Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xeno's Court Confession Case

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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What could have been...
I won’t say who all I picked right now.

But I put Juliet bc I thought she may have Flower equity and I didn’t like the Xenos-Apollo tie in or how it felt like she was questioning my kill stop results yesterday.
did u put and and darkestknight...

i had an unspottable kill - used on xenos
darkest knight used his on yotan

my kill is called Alice

idk what darkest knight kill is called


What could have been...
I’m doing more for this town than anyone rn mechnically. Don’t want to hear it.
ur actions last night seemed meh. idk if targeting jules was optimal. can u tell me the equity with flowa? why didnt u tell me this last day i could of maybe done something about it

why r u treating my slot in bad faith before hearing what i have to say or waiting for me to play the game first


What could have been...
i'm not avoiding anything, i just don't care

i think you're scum and i'm voting to lynch you

that's it

also, make the "i'm town" separate to anything else, just "i'm town"
okay if u dont care then dont talk to me then lmao

im asking u why and u cant provide reason

idk why r u angry at me for
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