Hey guys. The Gorosei are stronger, more knowledgeable and credible than the Admirals right ?
Can someone tell me why this clown @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier is telling me that Old Garp is above Aokiji when the Gorosei confirm that Aokiji is stronger than Garp let alone the guy that beat Aokiji 1v1.
With how much evidence is this guy getting bodied?
This fandom
BM beats Kid + law + crews ---> "not impressive"
Shanks finally domaintes Kid + crew --> "He's above BM, BM is trash... " like doing half of what BM did, doesn't make you > BM
Especially when the battle is mid diff already
She couldn't put down Kid before Law entered the stage already injured. Then Law held her off while Kid's unfairly getting damaged by Hawkins mid-battle giving Big Mom free hits. There's a limit to how pathetic this can get and how low you can stoop to wank Big Mom.
Ace literally ignored his captain's orders. Went after Teach, had himself captured and was the reason Teach could lure the WBP into a war that got them annihilated. Then they went thru the struggle to save him and the man literally fell for shit talk of a stranger to him and died....all his families deaths in vain. There's absolutely nothing heroic about Ace's death.
Garp has been a Marine for all his life. He was literally the face of the Navy long before Ace was born. He warned Ace and Luffy, tried his best to have them walk the right path but they made their own decisions and Ace had to live with the consequences. Even when the CD part makes Garp look like a hypocrite, in terms of Ace he was as much of a man as one can be in that situation.
Garp was an inactive participant in their lives
He left them to be raised by criminals
And then has the audacity to question why things went wrong?
Not to mention both are completely stubborn conquerors with the most influential bloodlines
If Garp really wanted to make a change, he would have raised them with better people
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