Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 20 13.5%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 94 63.5%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 17 11.5%

  • Total voters
Shanks steals a df from WG.
Shanks goes alone to WB's ship, shows off CoC, cracks skies.
Shanks stops Kaido from entering Marineford.
Shanks enters Marineford ends the war, orders everyone around. Even Sengoku accepts what he says.
Shanks goes on a walk and meets Gorosei. They listen to him.
Shanks comes out for a cruise to Wano, wifi diffs an Admiral.
Shanks decides to fight serious first time, wrecks havoc.
Film Red: you know it all.

Do you even believe this wasn't happening? The cope is getting absurd. He was wanked from the very first. He was built up as a menace. These people have problems accepting his superiority.
There is no wank, he has been built like this from a long ass time. Accept it and move on.
Idk why he said he wanted to get the OP at the end of Wano though

It’s not like he said he wants to be Pirate King, he just wants the OP itself. He wants Luffy to do something but we will have to wait though I guess
Probably because he knows Rogers true dream. And it will involve the fall of the World Government. So likely Shanks wants to do the heavy lifting so that Luffy can achieve the dream he and roger want
Oda didn’t ruin Kaido, this fan base was just too stupid to accept that Kaido was never who they thought he was.

“Fodder say Kaido is the strongest so he must be the strongest!” I’m about to drink tears this week lmfao. This is y’all’s reckoning for not heading my warnings.

Crydo is a damn fraud. If these spoilers are legit then Shanks high diffs Crydo and Shanks himself isn’t even the strongest. Lol
Don't have time for your trolls
- Shanks uses Divine Departure to 1 shot Killer
- Kid removes Shanks sword with his ability
- Shanks asks Kid if he thinks he's a swordsman or something, he then attacks him with an advance CoC infused kick
- Meanwhile Garp defeated Shiryu, he says swordsmen these days are a real dissapointment
People really thought Kid and Law would keep getting stronger until EoS?

As i thought, beating Big Mom (barely) and getting 3 Billion bounty like Luffy is the biggest W they would get

Among the good guys who are linked to the main protagonist, only Zoro, Sanji and Sabo have actual room to quickly grow in strength and reach top tier potential.

Kid and Law are at their peak, Oda hasn't hinted new power ups for them, they awakened their Devil Fruits, used it's full potentials, no haki awakening hints, even the slightiest.. Their crews aren't strong, thats it.

I bet they will come back at the final war as the Wings of the Wings of the Pirate King tho.
Shanks steals a df from WG.
Shanks goes alone to WB's ship, shows off CoC, cracks skies.
Shanks stops Kaido from entering Marineford.
Shanks enters Marineford ends the war, orders everyone around. Even Sengoku accepts what he says.
Shanks goes on a walk and meets Gorosei. They listen to him.
Shanks comes out for a cruise to Wano, wifi diffs an Admiral.
Shanks decides to fight serious first time, wrecks havoc.
Film Red: you know it all.

Do you even believe this wasn't happening? The cope is getting absurd. He was wanked from the very first. He was built up as a menace. These people have problems accepting his superiority.
There is no wank, he has been built like this from a long ass time. Accept it and move on.
Everyone knew that Shanks would win
That’s not the problem
but a one shot is too much
Kidd deserves some respectable treatment in the story
Probably because he knows Rogers true dream. And it will involve the fall of the World Government. So likely Shanks wants to do the heavy lifting so that Luffy can achieve the dream he and roger want
Lol if Oda make Shanks look really sinister in a lot of scenes and make him look like a traitor only for him to be indirectly making it so Luffy can achieve his dream easier that would be funny