They didn't have the same energy when an injured King lost to GB. But when it happened to Kid, someone who's supposed to be Law's equal, it's suddenly an unfair game on Oda's part. And he's overwanking Shanks.:milaugh:
This just reinforce Kid isn't a proper top tier yet
He will only be when he awakens his adCOC, if he actually does as I don't see where this could happen
During the Big Mom fight, Law was the one who carried that fight and was the more impressive one.

I still believe that if it wasn't for Law, Big Mom would have eventually defeated Kid.:kayneshrug:
True, even though Law is also an awakening spammer, at least his moveset is pretty cool and the awakening is very strong. Law was a hard carry in that fight, they still would've lost if it wasn't for the bombs tho.
BB is not a super cautious fighter, he takes hits even when fighting much weaker opponents. Shanks on the other hand is a haki master, Kid should have trouble even landing a hit.
Even if you take out the hit Law landed he STILL looked competent while being jumped by BB's crew then proceeded to clash with BB using Gura

There's a pretty big gap between that and us cutting back and seeing Kid bloody on the ground while Shanks doesn't have a scratch or a drop of sweat on him


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
The gap between a hard fight and getting one shot is pretty big

I'm not saying Kid has to push Shanks to extreme diff

I just want him to do anything before he goes down

Getting neg diffed isn't exciting at all

Law looked competent against BB + his entire crew, landed a pretty good attack on him then clashed evenly with Gura BB before we cut away

If Kid goes down without accomplishing anything in 1 v 1 idek what to say
BB suffered agaisnt s hawk while zoro (and kaku) is playing with him