it makes perfect sense. kid's haki isnt up to snuff and he has coasted by on overwhelming force, a really great devil fruit, and ruthless forward movement, but he's arrogant and thinks he can fight a war alone.

Hes a strong contender in pretty much every scenario except facing the top tiers of the universe with just himself and his one ship's crew. he's not beating Big Mom without Law's help, just like Law wasn't doing it alone without his help. Against Shanks 1v1, or his one ship vs every affiliated crew Shanks can bring to the fight, he doesn't really have a chance.

im not trying to troll but even if law and kid were equal to luffy, luffy's not beating kaido this way either lol. like imagine if instead of starting with a 3 point stealth raid on onigashima and surprising everyone when they werent ready for a battle and letting 20 other guys soften up the yonkos first, they just charged in the door and started fighting, and kaido got to survey the situation and attack on his own terms.

theyd be fucking dead. kid is just an idiot charging in the front door.
I understand that

In an all out war I expect a stomp for Shanks

Given the gap in their forces that makes perfect sense

In a 1v1 though? Hell no

An effortless one shot just isn't satisfying

Even Kaido wouldn't be able to do that to Kid at this point in the story

Why can Shanks?
You're bending the logic deliberately here. The King being way weaker than an admiral isn't the issue here. We all accepted King is a bum before an admiral as soon as we saw him get low diffed despite his injuries. But it's suddenly so hard to accept Kid's defeat despite it happening—assuming it happened. Why the double standards? Why not accept it the way it is the same way we did it for other characters? The only right answer here is, this chapter shows Kid isn't as good as you all wanted him to be, so you're blaming it on Oda.
Nah mate.

Everyone was ranking Kidd as a Low Top Tier, which isn't far fetched considering what him and Law accomplished and Oda's parallel with Luffy (Even if they're not Equal).

Now I'm not one who would think Kidd would win, far from it. But claiming Kidd was annihilated or one shotted, if true is too much.
The incident with GB was already breaking some boundaries with writing regarding Shanks, it was all over the place.
From Momo not wanting help, to be helped by Shanks, it was what it was.

Shanks dominating Kidd (if it happened) throws some mud in BM for example, no one is denying Shanks superiority over Kidd, but him overwhelming him to this extent.
scotch confirmed it in his discord , Midd got bodied hard .
Holy shit man.

Anything on Killer and the rest of the crew?

I'll still wait for the actual confirmation.
Even if Kid got bodied, the providers might be skipping some context here which makes it a bit better for Kid. Like, he probably landed an attack before that, or got some praise from Shanks. No way Oda is gonna completely bury this dude lol
not really.
Shanks split the sky with whitebeard. The only other person to ever do that was Roger, who coincidentally also had no DF.

This feat, along with the Wi-Fi haki and Shanks 1 shotting Kid, something Kaido and BM both failed to do and Teach failed to do against Kid's rival, all suggest that Shanks has the strongest haki in one piece.
Kaido should have him beat in other stats

It also doesn't make sense for him to have the strongest haki as Mihawk is stated to be stronger than him

Shanks and Kaido are equal at best imo

Shanks split the sky with whitebeard. The only other person to ever do that was Roger, who coincidentally also had no DF.
Oldbeard. Not Primebeard
I understand that

In an all out war I expect a stomp for Shanks

Given the gap in their forces that makes perfect sense

In a 1v1 though? Hell no

An effortless one shot just isn't satisfying

Even Kaido wouldn't be able to do that to Kid at this point in the story

Why can Shanks?
Kaido played with his food. We saw in chapter 1 the RHPs dont fuck around. They are ruthless from the start of a fight.