Holy fuck, Law could actually die this arc.
At the moment, Teach doesn’t have villain portrayal, at least strength wise. He has no advanced haki, and he is having a tough fight with Law, while Shanks is neg diffing Law’s rival.
For Teach to be the next villain, something needs to happen for him to become much stronger than he currently is. But what could that be?
At the moment, Saturn is a Major antagonist of the egghead island arc. Saturn and the gorosei, as evident by the recent cover story, as well as silhouettes of the gorosei in flashbacks, don’t seem to age.
The gorosei have ope ope no mi immortality. Teach is facing Law. Luffy will probably face Saturn. Kid just got destroyed. It’s right there.
Oda will hype up ope ope no mi immortality this arc with Saturn. Then he will subsequently have Teach force Law to give him immortality in order to hype him up as the greatest pirate since Roger.