Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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There's more to bounty than just strength and mihawk was hunting marines down prior to the series start
When they gave his reason for bounty there was nothing about marine hunting
For croc was his logia power and intelligence
For buggy it was the impeldown shit and having mihawk buggy as officers

For mihawk? Stronger than shanks
@comrade @HA001 OF THE RAIN
Dude malding on multiple sites… jeez it’s ovens equal all over again
This man from chapter 1 losing to an afterthought pirate, this is why people don't need to take their predictions too at their heart, it's just a cartoon character

Kidd with his tiny crew was not gonna be anywhere close to beating someone who has officers hyped by the marines, with at very least a part of his grand fleet and elbaf giants on top. Even leaving all that aside just re-read chapter 1.

Kidd and Law are merely competitors to Luffy, and they don't have to fight Luffy only to lose the competition people need to remember that. They can fall off the competition by losing to Shanks and BB too.
This man from chapter 1 losing to an afterthought pirate, this is why people don't need to take their predictions too at their heart, it's just a cartoon character

Kidd with his tiny crew was not gonna be anywhere close to beating someone who has officers hyped by the marines, with at very least a part of his grand fleet and elbaf giants on top. Even leaving all that aside just re-read chapter 1.

Kidd and Law are merely competitors to Luffy, and they don't have to fight Luffy only to lose the competition people need to remember that. They can fall off the competition by losing to Shanks and BB too.
Yeah shanks and BB are the only important pirates right now other than Luffy.
It isn’t supposed to be a super rare ability now that the Strawhats are up against characters at the highest tier

Luffy (Yonko), Kaido (Yonko), and Shanks (also Yonko) have all used it

I expect a few other characters to be added to that list by the end. Mihawk (his old title was Clairvoyant or something like that), Yasopp based on Film Red, the Admirals, etc

Nothing wrong with that

The list of ACoC users will likely be expanded by the end as well

That’s just how it goes
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