Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Honestly I question if that God Valley. Shanks is from there, and God Valley was implied to have the same fate as Lulusia.

Plus, just based on the shape of the island, it almost gives a very desert/midwest type vibe, idk why. Then you have Shanks being found there as a baby.

Idk why there would be a wedding though, or why Shanks wpuld hangout at a "ruined" island like it, but it being God Valley could explain things.
Seems that it got Lulusia'd though.
You use the word 'fact' rather loosely. It's a fact that Brannew gives his opinion that Mihawk has greater sword skills.

What we know for a fact is that they used to duel equally, then Shanks lost his arm and Mihawk refuses to settle the matter because of the arm.
its a fact because mihawk has the title of WORLD STRONGEST SWORDSMAN:seriously::seriously::seriously: it is not brannew opinion :gokulaugh:argue against oda not me :suresure:...also since you want to treat mihawks words about not settling things because of the arm understand lets talk about the one important worrd you left out lol
ONE ARMED HASBEEN funny enough i am just now putting this together but mihawk is totally saying roger/shanks fighting style outdated as hell :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh:
It’s very disappointing!
For now, i will hold off on assessing the whole situation until the scans appear.

We all knew that Kid shouldn't stand a chance against Shanks, but this - this is a slight exaggeration and inconsistency in showing the level of strength.

For now, it looks to me like Oda decided to axed the whole Kid storyline in this story.

(From a plot point of view - this is also a murder in broad daylight by Oda in my opinion).

I'll try to write more about it later.

even big mom has a named sword technique . ..........
am sure most folks would have thought shanks would use his sword at some point but hey
lets act like novices who havent read this thread and pretend mihawk wouldnt/hasnt been forced in a topic he wouldnt be involved in.
BM is a DF user, Shanks isn't. What else is Shanks gonna do? Put his sword down and start punching?
Every forms of haki yet shown in the series, including advanced haki, is applicable to swordsman.

Manga and official materials constantly mention Mihawk and Shanks together.
Mihawk gets "forced in" cause forever dudes have been clamoring about hakiman mental gymastics, and till date Shanks hasn't done anything without a sword.
And the first thing Shanks actually does something in combat since Marineford (where also he used the sword), was use a named sword attack to KO Kid. Why wouldn't dudes use that against the hakiman argument?
Cry. The mangaka does it himself. To make sure you know he's above.

He could have just said this is mihawks bounty he is wss

I didn't make him write his swordsmanship is even superior than yonko shanks did I?
the mangaka absolutely does not
cause 'swordmanship' is very vague/broad
I made a thread about shanks haki not too long back and I would see comparisons to mihawk's conqueror's which hasnt even been shown. its pathetic.
So if you don't use haki you are not a swordsman?:goatasure:
The argument that you guys always come up with is that Shanks is stronger for some haki mumbojumbo reason while you cant accept the simple fact that both Mihawk/Shanks are swordsmen with top tier Haki.

Its not like the whole OP verse talks about them but in their head they are thinking "Yeah Mihawk has amazing sword skills but his haki sucks and cannot fight/beat Shanks"
Nah all Mihawk fans need is his title. He's the strongest swordsman so hes epic and cool despite showing nothing on page. Isn't it so cool how he has zero feats and screentime? So epic.
every swordsmen hype is mihawk hype...look at it from this angle and then you will see mihawk has plenty feats because he is over any and all swordsmen that have feats in the verse.
The fact shanks is using Rogers sword style was rightly brought up this has been heavily debated thing
They have been denying for ages shanks was swordsman lying that haki alone was his entire fighting style
Details that don't matter, Zoro fans in general are hypocritical anyway if we use titles hype then no one is putting Kaido over Roger or Mihawk or anything like that, which is fine btw nothing wrong with that. But when others don't want to put Mihawk over Shanks solely due to a title don't be a dickhead
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