Powers & Abilities No advanced haki =/= inferior haki


Not focusing on learning advanced forms of haki doesn't automatically mean weak haki or that your haki cant compete with those that do.
Doesn't change the fact that yes advancing in haki makes the individual stronger but again doesn't necessarily mean their base level haki strength is superior

Armament haki-
Not having armament barrier or penetration doesn't mean your armament haki is weaker than those who do
Don't think anyone believes this but
  1. Marigold having barrier armament doesn't mean her armament is stronger than sanji's
  2. Pica having full body armament doesn't mean he has better armament than killer
  3. Raisin coating his blade in hardening doesn't mean he has stronger armament than law
  4. Having a black blade doesn't mean you have better armament than garp
  5. The scabbards having whatever haki they got doesn't mean their haki is better than blackbeard's

Observation haki-
In the case of observation haki it is slightly different. Main reason being is yes you can just have better observation haki than someone else. This being because observation and armament working differently

With armament there's a clear step by step progress
Basic armament-> barrier armament-> penetration armament

With observation it's more like a tree with different branches. The different abilities being
  1. Presence sensing
  2. Emotion sensing
  3. Intent sensing
  4. Strength sensing

Like yes having future sight clearly mean you have better intent sensing than those without at the very least. At the same time due to their being different branches of observation doesn't mean you have overall better observations technically

Having future sight doesn't necessarily mean you'll automatically have the ability to sense a whole like fujitora, rayleigh, and enel have shown
Tho enel technically used his fruit to help if i remember correctly

Conquerors haki-
Like rayleigh explained to luffy when he first showed it off you can't train to strengthen it directly
The strength of your conquerors just depends on your overall strength

As for coating
When it comes to coating attacks it's most likely them appying the same rules as armament and its advanced stages. Infusing your armament and conquerors together makes it stronger
Yamato not being as skilled as luffy and kaido in armament is likley the reason why her and kaido's attacks made direct impact but not theirs

As for why or how sky splitting happens its likely just due to the raw pressure/strength of 2 extremely strong conquerors blast clashing
Would you say the same if Sanji have adv haki?
What do you mean?

Like i said
  1. If sanji got barrier/penetration that would mean he himself has better armament at least skill wise but it doesn't automatically put his armament over those who don't
  2. If sanji got future sight it would mean he would have better intent sensing than those without it but don't mean hed have better presence, emotion, or stength sensing
  3. If sanji got conquerors or even coating the strength of it would just depend on his overall strength.
    1. Hypothetical if he had conquerors coating and lets say idk kuzan only had basic conquerors. Sanji's conquerors would still be weaker than kuzans because kuzan is overall stronger
That's always been the case better haki means you're naturally at an advantage to your opponent.

That's why Shanks stronger than Midfraud

More or less yeah tho you can compete with someone with better haki through other means, skills, powers, whatever, etc.

Shanks vs teach being a good example
G4 is pretty clear about that. Luffy could make his haki stronger but couldn't hit Kaido because he needed the right technique. So unless you want to say that Kinemon > Pre Udon Luffy you have to agree that advanced haki doesn't mean stronger haki.
Yeah exactly
Pushing things like kiku or marigold having stronger than jinbe just because he doesn't have the same technique makes no sense
The Admirals have mid haki, making more threads is not going to change that.

That's always been the case better haki means you're naturally at an advantage to your opponent.

That's why Shanks stronger than Midfraud

Shanks doesn't have the strongest sword which is permanently coated in haki, so Shanks' baby haki won't make gryphon the strongest blade. It's a simple concept. :myman:
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