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to whom are refering here, did you quote anyone?
Post 810 by Kobe. He had earlier theorized what the teams might have been but I couldn't find it. When I quoted him I guess it didn't capture his posts because he hasn't actually posted anything in his posts other than quotes.
Also, the fact that there is only one Town, it suggests that the intruders are the competing mafia faction.

Scum Team 1 = Aizen, Gin, Tousen, (+ Kira, Hisagi)
Scum Team 2 = Ichigo, Ishida, Orihime, Chad (+ Yoruichi)

If Urahara is the cult leader, Kon could be innocent child. Not sure what role Tatsuki would be. There could be a mechanics for either Scum team to recruit members.
This looks quite about right I would say.
So if you've seen The Supreme Alliance enough times before to not trust it, why even comment on it here? Why try to asses what's being done with it, getting sucked in a bit. We use it more as a tool to cause reactions as well as to indicate a nod to each other in the games we play in. I feel it pingy you are getting trapped by it here.

You entered the game making all of these excuses for you activity yet you still end up as a top four poster. The narrative that I'm reading doesn't feel the same as the narrative I've been told. When there is a contradiction like that, it pings me.
I am not home. I can't sleep, I post.
There is no contradiction. Except you want to invent one.
And you know my opinion about that alliance, I never trusted it
I did read the posts before that which is why I quoted you on it. I wouldn't say this is middle of the conversation at all, it felt like you are going on circles on the same thing. I also never said you alone had a problem with her read, I called her out on it, that's your own assumptions here. But you are being super fixated on this one point trying to get an answer out of something that was already answered.

Your tone is def more on the aggressive type.
But she never did respond or acted like a townie over what she inspired her to have a town read on Ratchet. I simply asked her what was the reason and she dodged it 3 times saying I should go and check the posts before that, rather than responding straight up. Don't you think this is a bit sus? There were a lot of exchanges between Ratchet and Ultra/Adam and she completely overlooked those even though she could have taken her time to go over at least and come back and reply. The fact that she plugged in "I'm sleepy, need to sleep and if I'm alive tomorrow, I will reply" every two posts suggested that she had no concrete facts around that built up over her read on Ratchet, or any exchanges in the thread since then. It was a lazy read, and rather than owning up to it, she flipped it over and made it look like I was having problems with it.

You should realize that me being fixated on this is not an issue, it is how she handles the pressure is the issue.
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