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1. Right, I should've said threatened, my bad
2. I did consider who you voted for. Thats why I still think its suspicious.
3. My involvement is limited entirely to accusing you and it will remain that way until such a time as I have changed my mind, as you are still number one on my scum radar

My reads on Pero and Charlie are both "less scummy than Ultra". Hope this helps
It doesn't help, you're dodging the question entirely shows a due lack of earnest consideration for my slot and also solving the wider game in general - the fact that you were fine plodding along saying little to nothing until you were poked and are now exclusively dedicating yourself to tunneling me is bad.
Why would *you* vote Pero?
I liked the tone of this question.
Emphasis on 'you' was interesting.
Exactly, so asking if you should vote Pero strikes me as self-conscious of you.
A little suspicion here but in the same trend like earlier I felt Ratchet wants to understand me.
Let me do my thing, please.
this post comes from town like 99%
Vote is currently on Pero, in fact I was the first one. He claimed Scum.

Ultra looks fairly suspect. He piled on Flower knowing he would get a negative reaction from her, and his reasoning was that she explained Aizen's powers. What's missing from his reasoning is that she explicitly quoted someone asking about what he can do, context he would have had to go out of his way to ignore given he quoted Foower's post responding to it. When asked, he claimed ignorance, which shouldn't actually be possible provided he actually read the post he voted Flower over. QED disingenuous, and probably scum. I intend to move my vote on him today.
and this explanation was on point, without useless words to make it fancier. Scum likes to over explain, including scum!Ratchet
Honestly, looking at both of your quotes, i just wanna ask Michelle one thing:

@Michelle Gut reads stem from somewhere. So, was Ratchet’s Case on Ultra that made you gut Town read him? Why and what did you like about it?
In very short, the above
Someone said something about your miller claim, i asked about it but I didn't notice any answer. Your concern wasn't about your claim back then, it was only the narrow focus on my Ratchet read.
Do you want to say that your scum range is well reppresented in the Weebs game and you can't play in other way?
My first post is my miller claim, and my second post is literally answering the question about my claim. Surely, you can iso like 10 posts to have a feel of that? It was really not a narrow focus, it was a simple question which got winded due to you dodging over and again instead of taking 2 minutes of your time to provide an answer.

and this is not about me, you continuing to make this about me rather than going over "my concerns with you" is what we call OMGUS, and you also proved that with your vote on me. The fact is, there were multiple people asking you the same question. You chose me to deflect the attention on you because I was easy target being your teammate in the Weebs game.

As it stands, your vote on me strictly revolves around "my case on you". It is up to you to prove it is something else.
Kiku’s reasons for suspecting Ultra don’t hold up.

Also saying they’re going to stick to just focusing Ultra for the foreseeable future reads similar to them parking on me D1 in other game. It’s a good way not to have to engage with the rest of the game

Tonally they feel pretty similar too but I’ve working with zero baseline of what a town Kiku would look like

Can say they’re showing more bite by actually going after someone here but also this game an easy out (indie claim) isn’t sitting there to park on from the start of the game. Ultra though had other people going at him and Kiku ping’d me way earlier on the Ultra stuff bc it felt like they were nipping at him from the sidelines
It doesn't help, you're dodging the question entirely shows a due lack of earnest consideration for my slot and also solving the wider game in general - the fact that you were fine plodding along saying little to nothing until you were poked and are now exclusively dedicating yourself to tunneling me is bad.
Okay, fine. I'll stop talking to you and let my vote speak for itself, like I was going to in the first place.
Kiku’s reasons for suspecting Ultra don’t hold up.

Also saying they’re going to stick to just focusing Ultra for the foreseeable future reads similar to them parking on me D1 in other game. It’s a good way not to have to engage with the rest of the game

Tonally they feel pretty similar too but I’ve working with zero baseline of what a town Kiku would look like

Can say they’re showing more bite by actually going after someone here but also this game an easy out (indie claim) isn’t sitting there to park on from the start of the game. Ultra though had other people going at him and Kiku ping’d me way earlier on the Ultra stuff bc it felt like they were nipping at him from the sidelines
Yeah she's kind of registering me as scum who *might* think they've got one across the isle and are leaning into that. The poor thing.
Your memory can't be that bad, I always pointed out how bad is this so called alliance
You insist i am scared, but that doesn’t mean i am, I saw it covering you as scum when you first used it and it brings a logical blind spot for the players involved
You say it's NAI, I say it's tricky and a well built town core is much better
What are you hoping to get out of this exchange?
But she never did respond or acted like a townie over what she inspired her to have a town read on Ratchet. I simply asked her what was the reason and she dodged it 3 times saying I should go and check the posts before that, rather than responding straight up. Don't you think this is a bit sus? There were a lot of exchanges between Ratchet and Ultra/Adam and she completely overlooked those even though she could have taken her time to go over at least and come back and reply. The fact that she plugged in "I'm sleepy, need to sleep and if I'm alive tomorrow, I will reply" every two posts suggested that she had no concrete facts around that built up over her read on Ratchet, or any exchanges in the thread since then. It was a lazy read, and rather than owning up to it, she flipped it over and made it look like I was having problems with it.

You should realize that me being fixated on this is not an issue, it is how she handles the pressure is the issue.
Fair enough, I don't think you both are in same scum team and how things stand she def has alot to answer to in multiple things, she ain't scummy only because her vibe read on ratchet, but multitude of things that makes her position not look too hot. But also note that looking at you keep pursuing her like this over a singular point is kinda pingy. I don't remember you being this presistent on a player, so it's something I took note of. Which at first glance looks good on you, since you are usually tamer as scum. But with this being multiball it gets more tricky. I also thought your vote early on flower was abit oppurtunistic.

Reads so far? besides Michelle? any opinions?
Broki is just put as wolf because I don't trust her PRing again and I think that oddly enough, even though I didn't read any of her posts in Weebs, despite the impossible PR, there was clear effort. Here I feel there's almost a luring vibe around her PR.
That's fair assement although I think I might know the character she is PR'ing here. I personally never seen the girl fake a PR before. But if she has history of doing that then that's a different story.
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