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The End and the Beginning
Town read, no, but I do like Lind's interactions overall. Charlie despite looking like an ignorant fool early on kind of looked better as he got heated up, it doesn't clear him though. I need to sit back and read more and leave the tunnel on Michelle to have a more feel of the game.
Of all the players in the game, Lind, who has few actual interactions and most of them are pretty softball, is notable enough to be maybe your only town read?


i know who aizen is

they r a coward
kinda sounds like you...
You rolled scum AL?
i know why he partially wants to afk - personally he should just sub out tbh but i wont hold his absence against him here since he did aso try to sub out prior to entering game.

whoo will be a long one
Post 810 by Kobe. He had earlier theorized what the teams might have been but I couldn't find it. When I quoted him I guess it didn't capture his posts because he hasn't actually posted anything in his posts other than quotes.
aizen gin and tousen r indies

ichigo and his gang scum
hmmm so how are you so informed yet brought up factions that wouldnt actually be in game.

are you purposefully feigning ignorance or are you trying to bait someone here cause it was a piss poor attempt from you.
Of all the players in the game, Lind, who has few actual interactions and most of them are pretty softball, is notable enough to be maybe your only town read?
I have never played with him before so he looks OK based on my unbiased view. What issue do you have with his posts?


Muugen, glad to see a fellow comrade. Let's hope we are in the same side of the war this time and eradicate scum out of existence.
im going to spite you for your statement below.
Flower and Michelle as well. Both start off by posting about how they're not going to be around and then, well, just look at the post counts
lock flower as scum michelle never can truly read her tbh
Nothing in the entirity of SS can top Yamamoto Bankai moment in the last arc. For that and that alone, the last arc > SS arc.
i like how they called out the girls.
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