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You said you would give me a read and asked me what I teach - I'm a university lecturer btw.

Can you give me your analysis on Ultra vs SK?
I asked you for your reads, I don't have a ping with them, or maybe I missed it?

Cool, what exactly do I learn if I come to your class?

I'd say is t vs t for the energy they both put in the thread.


What could have been...
I quoted her on it, forgot which page but basically the gest of it. She stated that she scum reads Michelle and then in the very same breath few posts later she liked LM post and in that post he stated why he town reads Michelle. Which shows me that her thought process is not geniune and she is just going with the flow giving reads for the sake of it. Letting it be known that she voted flower and then when michelle spot was hot she hopped into that wagon, like she is riding the waves. I noticed as well that she is lurking when she is clearly in the thread viewing but not engaging much.
shes town. if anything else comes up i'll keep thread updated etc..
hmm interesting, this is my first time all game working with ultra so not sure how its a lost cause when youre probably tied for 2nd wagon atm.

me sheeping thats a first, unless its my broheim mango id sheep him.
You going on and on about people you scum read, when I entered the thread you were adament in lynching either AL or ratchet. But then willingly change vote for reasons that makes no sense when ultra gave you his top sus reads. You sheeped without a hesitation. Didn't think to yourself to further question it yourself. One would think with how hard you going on some of your scum reads you would push toward one of them.

Plus, apparently I was in your town read list but that shifted greatly without any hesitation.



she did nothing

thats why shes in it


he wont get far doing this, he tried in weebs and.... got rekt
i got rekt? ya sure, you were crying that i was town and the only real person pushing me was SK. i outplayed you and your entire team.

i was only "rekt" cause you had two incompetent indies out me. you did nothing in catching me instead you just followed me like a lost little puppy.

you only changed your vote towards me cause SK began calling you out iirc i owned in every back n forth we had where you even openly begged me to stop painting you as scum.


Why not?
Flower claimed, no one CCed or questioned her on the claim.
I was wonder what made you want to yeet flower after that.

Not asking why I am in your POE, because I can already guess why
she claimed flavor so she could go afk again, what do you make of her continuous use of not participating?


What could have been...



i got rekt? ya sure, you were crying that i was town and the only real person pushing me was SK. i outplayed you and your entire team.

i was only "rekt" cause you had two incompetent indies out me. you did nothing in catching me instead you just followed me like a lost little puppy.

you only changed your vote towards me cause SK began calling you out iirc i owned in every back n forth we had where you even openly begged me to stop painting you as scum.

this guy still doesnt realize we knew he was scum from day 0 and only saying he is town in thread so red team doesnt shoot us :rolaugh:
Are you caught up? Can you give me your primary PoE list?
He in fact isn't caught up. Which is smth i asked for people to read back when i pushed him a bit

He came into the thread saying he is caught up and that i am scum for not voting charlie already but sussing him, i correct him that i voted for charlie which he would know if he was caught up, he then backtracks that i should have done it sooner and the only read last 10 pages and didn't see vote.

And then says i should be killed
Anyways it's getting pretty late from my end so I am gonna call it a night. I will def try and make it before EOD if possible but if not then I stated my mind on who should be lynched this DP and I don't mind any of the list of players I mentioned to get axed either.

I would keep an eye on muugen here as well.


The End and the Beginning
He in fact isn't caught up. Which is smth i asked for people to read back when i pushed him a bit

He came into the thread saying he is caught up and that i am scum for not voting charlie already but sussing him, i correct him that i voted for charlie which he would know if he was caught up, he then backtracks that i should have done it sooner and the only read last 10 pages and didn't see vote.

And then says i should be killed
Just so I'm on the same page here Adam - is your primariy contention that he lent into advocating for your death, or that he wasn't fully honest about his reading of the thread, or something else? I'm just not sure I know what exactly *you* think is suspect - I'm on board with a Mango wagon. I think the things he has chosen to interact with are calculated, and he has otherwise just not been here.
Just so I'm on the same page here Adam - is your primariy contention that he lent into advocating for your death, or that he wasn't fully honest about his reading of the thread, or something else? I'm just not sure I know what exactly *you* think is suspect - I'm on board with a Mango wagon. I think the things he has chosen to interact with are calculated, and he has otherwise just not been here.
They corelated

He said i should be killed after calling him out
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