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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Ain't clearing anyone based on WU this early game. You are one of my early scum reads since your entrance to the thread - have you answered my question yet or still catching up?
I didn't ask when you scum read me but why haven't you pushed me if you think I am scum?

Why do you believe there needs to be a "case" at this stage in the game?
"This stage"?

Why it matters on which stage we are on?

Btw,Kobe scum reads from the beginning

Broker is reading me scum for quite a time now.

They had plenty of time to push me.

If you scum read someone you push them but kobe didn't do anything and all broker did is ask about me to others.

It pains me to spoon feed this logic to you because this matters the most on D1 when we hardly have any mechanical info in Play
And you aren't really pushing for anyone. You just keep asking others what they think.
I ask ppl before I hand them my point of view, it's how I do things instead of giving them smth to parrot from me.
Ur post btw just reminded me of how apollo vanished again into the dark, funny how most of my targets seem to avoid the thread

we can yeet her today or have her as second wagon tbh cause i know if she goes unchecked shell just skate by probably complain in her pm and sub out cause game isnt going her way.
Kek, I actually wanna see if she got a new excuse once she shows up again, idr what she claimed as chara

i think reborn is fine.

dest activity is NAI its his quality in his post that is the tell.
I can't read dest, and tbh I only remember him tagging whole player list and adding some town/wolf stuff

@Underworld Broker you as well. Read me as scum but I haven't seen you pushing me. All you did is ask ratchet, al, muugen what they think about me.
I've been focused on other people mostly, but since Ultra and Ratchet brought u up again and how uve been mostly mia, a vote would likely get u to talk more.

& what is my scum narrative ub?
Mostly referring to the central thing


The End and the Beginning
"This stage"?

Why it matters on which stage we are on?
It's Day 1 - obviously the burden of evidence required is lower for the lynch today. My point is, you don't need a case established on you to be put into a lynch PoE, simply not doing much in the thread is enough.
It pains me to spoon feed this logic to you because this matters the most on D1 when we hardly have any mechanical info in Play
What's with the antagonism?
what have you or flower done to warrant any change in my read.

youve only tunneled me, flower hasnt shown face and your post sound like things flower would say.
You can't change your read on me because you will appear like not consistent, scum don't do that, they like to show how their progression is proved by their previously stated opinions.
I gave reads and I explained them in ky own way. I have my own contribution and you want to diminish it.
Also I am a different being that Flower and the false narrative she would coach me is obviously scum tactic.
You play Day 1 invested enough to rank #1 in posts, but not in takes?
I have takes.
Kobe you want elaborated explanations but I don't like to spend time in making walls, I offer my takes in simple words and i never had any problem in being understood in 4 years of playing.


The End and the Beginning
I can stop being antagonistic if you can start playing smarter.

In Mafia game there is always something that can make someone change his tone.

I expect you to pick on that.
It feels pretty unearned, what particular objection do you take with the quality of my play around you?


The End and the Beginning
What make you think there is quality in your play to begin with
That's not the case.

Again, in Mafia game there is always something that can make you change your tone.
I mean, that's fine, but my wording didn't require "quality", rather, it required a "lack of" quality. I don't know what you're getting at with the bolded.
@Kobe you should also read Lord Melkors weak ass push against me

He said he didn't read half of thread but proceeds to say what he saw of me is all negatives. I call him out if that is the case he should make a case on me and push me because in his eyes i should be prime target.

Melkor called me emotional and backed away, removing vote from me and never talking to me again
Classic Melkor
only iso about half of kikus post getting tired here.

had to quote ult as well cause they had their back n forth.

im genuinely also curious as to why that is an issue?

the game is about lies deception, game solving and questioning.

how is that a negative if anything it wouldnt make sense for someone like ultra not be doing as such id question him if we was just shitposting and not doing much.

i mean it does. you're pretty "bright" but ignore common sense.

at this start of the back n forth i already side with ultra - i dont like kikus tone or see any real valid reasonign for the shade agaisnt Ult here.
i do like how she calls out these two but doesnt push them the way she is with ultra given that is the basis of her FoS on Ult to begin with.

at this point it already seems faked and forced

i guess ill crcle back to this late quote broke.

i mean thats true but you arent really doing yourself any favors here.

so far Ultra looks solid here i dont see the issue that kiku has.

your push overall feels personal and ilfound.

you seem quite familiar with ult to know his voting patterns is NAI he also does the baiting tactic and brags about it aswell.

& dont get me wrong outside of ratchet ive probably gotten into more back n forths with ultra than anyone else here well outside of dest id assume.

i do agree with ults point here up til this point kiku wasnt doing much and she began to hard push ult.

what exactly made you suspicious of ults voting pattern, why did votes on chuck pero and flower worry you so much, moreso you have both chuck and pero in a scumpile based off of your own statment here.

quite the contradiction are you protecting flower?

i dont see the issue while you only had a vote placed on doc out of all the players there.

so you only intend on tunneling ultra?

do you intend to catch up, have you caught up what are your current reads/thoughts?

i mean to her defense she did just say shes only going to tunnel you.

i mean you dont particularly plan on doing anything outside of tunneling that already is telling enough. I'll add you to my FoS as well.

how did you end at this conclusion?
My response to most of your post: the way I feel about Ultras play is explained in my posts. "I genuinely don't see why this is an issue" then we simply don't see eye to eye. Your post feels like you didn't read my posts clearly because you're asking me to clarify on things that can be answered by reading my posts.

The Aizen thing was a joke based on the fact Ultra fake counterclaimed Aizen at the beginning


quick iso on Pero hes done about 98% fluff and gave a light report on his claim, states Town something to do with Rukia and fake WU reveals.

@Peroroncino can you check either one of the WU about Kisukes shop or Al being Central46

Also quote and answer this question alone with a YES or NO:
Are you Renji Abarai?
men you guys really want me anti claim killed and i said nothing about WU reveals
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