Bro, we have the same chance, just the fact that I live in the US means that I probably have 3 to 5 times the money that you have. I'm not poor in any sense of the word, but I know better than to think I'll become a billionaire, not like I want to be one anyway.
the 1% you guys talk about means making roughtly 1 milllion dollars every year.This sounds something that is achievable.Also,i'm not going to get into pissing contests with you.I don't live in the US,but my income is in dollars and euros and my spending is in reais and i barely pay taxes,so i think i'm privileged already by brazilian standards.
No but all the billionaires run this sex ring with epstein
ofc it was all silenced when it became public

but yea the only people on the island were rich big shots meaning yes their certainly was a huge connection with being a pedophile and an elite
Money doesn't make you a criminal,but it can help you get away with crime.That is what happened.