CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
coc, werewolf furry or werewolf werewolf
His name is Sixern Vochaos Harmonia Fenrir Feral Phantom, and he's... uh, both?

Within the Witch society (a giant floating city named Iskyland Paradise), there are seven Trees that make up the major overaching families: Marrok, Silvergleen, Zon, Joziel, Rustra, Sixern, and Domian.

Tree Sixern is ruled by the Sun known as Evoka Evanescent Esper, who trains her children/grandchildren into being assassin/spies known as Cicada Agents.

Cicada murders the Witches/Magi/Warlocks that are too powerful to be dealt with in normal court, or who perform activities that are legal, but still disgusting/vile. For instance, humans only have rights in the Witch society, Iskyland Paradise, if they are taken in as slaves. Otherwise, Witches/Magi/Warlocks can murder/rape humans at will without consequence. So, Tree Sixern murders a lot of Witches/Magi who abuse/murder humans.

Fenrir is 16, and a Junior Cicada Agent. While his sister, Mantis, is trying to become a Broom Racer, and is attending Eastwynd Academy for that, it's secondary to their assassin/spy work.

Fenrir uses Phantom and Beast Magic (Werewolf specialization): "I combine the primal fear of a beast hunting you in the dead of the night, with the terror of the paranormal; a pale white hand grasping you through the wall, merged with a lone echo stabbing into your ears as you run through the dark forest."

His attacks can pierce through walls, he can turn invisible, along with a lot of other stuff. Fenrir enjoys murdering his targets by pulling them into walls, or biting their legs through the floor and then eating them alive while they're immobilized. He became a cannibal once he realized eating his targets allowed him to not have to take breaks to eat regularly, and that eating his enemies alive during combat was a great way to spread fear tactics while fighting against groups.

In particular, Tree Sixern runs ops to stop Tree Marrok (the Tree known for Demon Summoning and the worst use of magic) from running experiments, brainwashing/blackmailing Witches/Magi, and from running human trafficking operations. So, Evoka trains her children to either be assassins, or have them do desk-work and shit where they are safe, because Marrok and Sixern openly are trying to murder each other routinely.

The bestiality part comes in when it comes to his sister, Mantis, who, as you might imagine, likes to transform into a Mantis. Tree Sixern is FULL OF INCEST, because other Trees either A: Don't want their Leaves marrying into a giant spy network, B: Only marry into Tree Sixern in order to get information out of them. So, Evoka openly encourages her children to fuck each other/marry each other, rather than marry into other Trees.

So, it's a Werewolf dude who's been eating his enemies alive since he was 11 years old having bestiality, full on blood-related incest with his little sister (16), Mantis, who is also a cannibal, likes eating live insects, and openly enjoys doing lewd things with Fenrir when he's in his Werewolf form.

They are cousins to the main characters, Sophia and Felix, who both struggle heavily with the fact that their cousins are into... uh... incestuous werewolf sex, and work as assassins murdering Nazi Witch child rapists.

Also of note is that Evoka ships Sophia and Felix, and has been trying to convince them to enter an incestuous relationship ever since Sophia was 6 and Felix was 4. Like, Evoka has planned out their wedding multiple times, despite the fact Sophia and Felix have no interest in incest, and view each other platonically as siblings.

CURSED ASS MAGICAL SOCIETY, Iskyland Paradise is a floating nightmare of a city

Writing their romance scenes is breaking me.

Mantis: "My, what a big tongue you have. It's almost like you're the big bad wolf in disguise, ready to eat me up."

Fenrir: "Awoooo! All the better to clean your pretty teeth, my dear. I love how you leave food for me to find... Chicken Parmesan for lunch, huh? NICE!"


Gorosei Informer

I said what I said.
I'm ready to be banned 😭😭😭.
Lmaoooo, you aint gonna get banned, not for that especially anyway!


But just in case you do for some strange reason, this will be you at least! "Hole included" LMAO!:

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So, it's a Werewolf dude who's been eating his enemies alive since he was 11 years old having bestiality, full on blood-related incest with his little sister (16), Mantis, who is also a cannibal, likes eating live insects, and openly enjoys doing lewd things with Fenrir when he's in his Werewolf form.
Fenrir: "Awoooo! All the better to clean your pretty teeth, my dear. I love how you leave food for me to find... Chicken Parmesan for lunch, huh? NICE!"
BUT this is banworthy at least surely! The cringe is too wrong, make it stop please!


CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Lmaoooo, you aint gonna get banned, not for that especially anyway!


But just in case you do for some strange reason, this will be you at least! "Hole included" LMAO!:

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BUT this is banworthy at least surely! The cringe is too wrong, make it stop please!



I was trying to contain the cringe, LOLOLOLOL

But seriously, I cringe while writing them. I like writing both characters a lot (I enjoy writing nutcase characters), but they are so extra.

Here's a fun Mantis quote with no context: "Mmmmmm.... delicious ears!!!"

There's a reason Heaven wants to blow up Iskyland Paradise in these books, it's cause the Witches are crazy (the main character is a lot nicer/mellow, though).

Gorosei Informer



I was trying to contain the cringe, LOLOLOLOL

But seriously, I cringe while writing them. I like writing both characters a lot (I enjoy writing nutcase characters), but they are so extra.

Here's a fun Mantis quote with no context: "Mmmmmm.... delicious ears!!!"

There's a reason Heaven wants to blow up Iskyland Paradise in these books, it's cause the Witches are crazy (the main character is a lot nicer/mellow, though).
My cringe detectors were off the charts, I had to check it out out of morbid curiousity. You gotta be careful otherwise you're gonna end up having a climatic cringe clash with Tekking at this rate, like Whitebeard and Roger but with Cringerer's Haki!

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
My bus needed more Sheen energy, honestly.
My cringe detectors were off the charts, I had to check it out out of morbid curiousity. You gotta be careful otherwise you're gonna end up having a climatic cringe clash with Tekking at this rate, like Whitebeard and Roger but with Cringerer's Haki!
I am more cringe than Tekking, in a weird sense.

Tekking has innocent cringe... wait, I say that, but now I remember all his "not a furry" moments...