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I didn't say he didn't action it in the thread you mongoloid. I said I don't know which action it was, and I'm pretty sure he provided me the result in a "oh yeah I forgot to mention you got your census", so it's not like I can just check the timestamps

Anyway, point is I could probably get to the bottom of this if I really cared to, but I don't see what tangible information that would actually provide for me.
You are talking about the census here? Was this action or passive then?
You've seen Kobe play, and play like this, enough to know it's not alignment-driven. Here is the profile I'm using to read Kobe, and you can tell me if you disagree.

He is a very confident player, who likes to use tone aggressively to pressure players into following him. He is loud, he is brash, and unfortunately, can be wrong a fair bit too. The reason for this is that he considers his perspective first, as one should, but then doesn't consider different angles from his own point of view, and then assumes that divergence must indicate either stupidity or scum. It is, in a word (and I used it earlier), hubristic. As scum, he leans into this to double down on his arguments, giving it a degree of calculation behind it, and ultimately the arguments pushed are empty. Otherwise, like in your game, he is liable to stay back from the main discussions and chimenuo when he needs to. As town, this whole thing is often more emotional, as he becomes frustrated that others don't follow along with what he says.

I think it has been clearly the latter here. I also trust Michelle to have a good reason on players like him, she's better than I am at weighing up emotions and tone. He will probably take this the wrong way or insist I'm insulting him or something but it's intended to be a strictly top-down analysis of his play style, when he catches onto the right things he will obviously be more of an asset.

We also have an early miller claim for him, which I believe speaks hugely in his favour. There is usually at least one miller in games that size (I have also seen them in multiple Fuji's games), and there was not counterclaim.
We also have an early miller claim for him, which I believe speaks hugely in his favour. There is usually at least one miller in games that size (I have also seen them in multiple Fuji's games), and there was not counterclaim.
It is not just early. It is literally the first post. I did it so that they wouldn't bitch like the Greek game.


The End and the Beginning
As far as you can tell? How the fuck can you tell? Check my posts, you will find around the time it was posted.
I can see deleted posts. When a post gets deleted on Xenforo (that is, the forum software this board uses) it doesn't actually delete it - it just flags it as "deleted" which hides it from most user groups. If you go to the Mafia General Chat, make a post and then delete it, I'd be able to see it and restore it.
We also have an early miller claim for him, which I believe speaks hugely in his favour. There is usually at least one miller in games that size (I have also seen them in multiple Fuji's games), and there was not counterclaim.
This doesn't really add anything to what I said.
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