Nah bro
The companies would exploit their workers even more
The rich would become richer
i don't believe in anarcocapitalism,but that would be something that would be naturally adressed in such a system because of the abundance of companies that would pop up.In most places of the world,the big dogs only keep themselves at the top because they pay politicians to tax and regulate the shit out of business so the guys at the bottom can't be a threat to them.
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i don't believe in anarcocapitalism,but that would be something that would be naturally adressed in such a system because of the abundance of companies that would pop up.In most palces of the world,the big dogs only keep themselves at the top because they pay politicians to tax and regualte the shit out of business so the guys at the bottom can't be a threat to them.
We’re fucked either way because mankind is flawed
Dragon is the only way


Cope Doctor
i don't believe in anarcocapitalism,but that would be something that would be naturally adressed in such a system because of the abundance of companies that would pop up.In most palces of the world,the big dogs only keep themselves at the top because they pay politicians to tax and regualte the shit out of business so the guys at the bottom can't be a threat to them.
I would support any government that allows me to live alone and have my own little farm. becouse new world order doesnt want people live free, they need slaves
yeah and what about those workers covering the glass windowns so no could see what they were doing with the voting machines?
Where is the proof? That isnt proof that's jargon.

Where is the proof voting machines were all tampered with to vote all Biden?

I can answer that... there is none

Dominion is suing Fox and company for 1.6 billion because of false accusations and that they couldnt come up with any proof.

Even pulled emailed from people on Fox during their suit so far with them stating it isnt rigged