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Man this game is confusing. The second time it doesn't even show that it was a superkill or a kill at all.
Nobody died and it didn't say it failed.
Maybe one of them is fake ?
My guess is that Ichigo's Bankai needs to be activated to make it a superkill

Or whoever can edit writeups really likes fucking with us

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
how many indies u think r in the game, not counting urself ofc ;)

btw who did u hear saying so lol. census says only 1 indie
Ofc. I myself am indie in all games even if my role says otherwise :blush:

People were theorizing about it some hours ago. Orihime being Indie I think? I'm probably wrong but iirc Muu and Charlie and LM were talking about it?

I would say 3 indies at least an no more than 4 for a game of this dimension.
"He's town because he's townie" isn't a genuine read. It's you, trolling, once again. And it wasn't a "low effort response", it was you bloviating instead of actually addressing the topic at hand. How many games do we need to lose with you playing like this for you to realise that it actually doesn't help? You actively make me not want to bother, squarely because dealing with your obnoxious ego in every game, and having to overcome it, takes away almost any of the fun that can be had. It's not even really true - *you* said otherwise after Flower's vanilla game, and you completely dismissed everything I said around Michelle not being scum because you just *had* to be right.

Like why do I even bother, might as well just ignore you, shoot into my own PoE and afk for all the co-operation you offer. Waste of time.
I literally told you I presumed you didn't care about my Muugen read because you were reading him yourself, and that I could elaborate, but was going to get to what you're actually looking for.

Take your imagined grievances elsewhere, you shot down an attempt to have a discussion preemptively and then cry I met your low effort approach with a low effort response.

You literally conjure up a motive in which I am attacking you directly - my approach to Michelle has little consideration for what you were thinking about here - and then throw your hands up over your imagined persecution. I don't know what to say. I'll take "low effort" as a criticism, but not sure what my recourse is when

- I was having a conversation with another player
- You invited me to discuss my reads, I did, and you no-sold all of them
- I throw a jab your way and you assign me as the problem element


Certified Memelord
I haven’t read anything since last night and won’t be catching up before the day ends either. How is “this” a comparison to that?
rememebr when ratchet was publcly rolecrushed

u came into the thread just shading him more and supporting his lynch over phenom

similar to u coming now to support adam lynch or shade him
IC can't be helped

Masons are usually tag team, they complete each other
I forgot Al said that lol, and for masons Fuji never gives them protects bc he wants them vulnerable (in hosting with him & being one). They usually don’t have protects

The point is I find it hard to believe Kiku was your strongest Town read/expectation for scum kill out of everyone lol
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