1080: The Neckbeard Pirates: An Emperors crew
- Chapter starts at Fullalead island
- Senile shitter is rampaging across the island, also unleashing My drug dealer cheat codes and knocking out Ha0 is a window licker all over the island
- Crimson Chin and Kuzan block his part, Senile shitter tells them to let him pass, he's here to pick up Catarina’s husband
- Kuzan talks about his debt to Senile shitter, but he can't let him pass, his captain has plans for Catarina’s husband
- We cut away to Egghead, S-Hawk attacks Fan service's group, but is blocked by Laku
- At the shores of Egghead we see Pinzoro, he got lost and finds Blackbeards ship
- On the ship is a heavily injured Blackbeard’s bitch, Pinzoro ask him what happened
- Blackbeard’s bitch tells how he got defeated by Neckbeard, he managed to escape, but Neckbeard somehow stole his powers, Pinzoro is shocked
- Back on Fullalead island Senile shitter, Crimson Chin and Kuzan are all very beat up. Senile shitter tells them that in his youth he would have destroyed them with ease
- Chapter ends with Neckbeard returning and walking up to them, he says it's time for Senile shitter to visit Father of the year and White Bitch