Know your place mid
Sanji D Goat vs WizardKing chart lists:

1. Debate skills: Goat
2. Psychological warfare: Goat
3. Memes: Goat
4. Spamming: Goat
5. Likes raids: Goat
6. Lewdness: Goat
7. Pissing off Sanji haters: Goat
8. Strongest Sanji Defender: Goat
9. Supreme Commander of Sanji Defense Force: Goat
10. Being a VIP: Goat
11. Being a Mod: Goat
12. The King: Goat
13. Influential Charisma across Internet worldwide: Goat
14. Changed name to Tekashi69420 at least once: Goat
15. Likes My Little Pony: Goat
16. Have the N word pass: Goat
17. Knows how to cook: Goat
18. OP truther/Fact checker: Goat
19. Beats people in a fist fight in real life: Goat
20. Have actual girlfriends in real life: Goat

Damn. So that thing happens finally:crazwhat:
Sanji D Goat vs WizardKing chart lists:

1. Debate skills: Goat
2. Psychological warfare: Goat
3. Memes: Goat
4. Spamming: Goat
5. Likes raids: Goat
6. Lewdness: Goat
7. Pissing off Sanji haters: Goat
8. Strongest Sanji Defender: Goat
9. Supreme Commander of Sanji Defense Force: Goat
10. Being a VIP: Goat
11. Being a Mod: Goat
12. The King: Goat
13. Influential Charisma across Internet worldwide: Goat
14. Changed name to Tekashi69420 at least once: Goat
15. Likes My Little Pony: Goat
16. Have the N word pass: Goat
17. Knows how to cook: Goat
18. OP truther/Fact checker: Goat
19. Beats people in a fist fight in real life: Goat
20. Have actual girlfriends in real life: Goat

yes you're the greatest general worstgen has ever seen. And so humble