Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How much strength do you think Garp still possesses? Obviously, he doesn't have Gura Gura no Mi such as Whitebeard but if Oda wants to keep the consistency of "Roger and Garp nearly killing each other many times" we should get a glimpse of how healthy Oldbeard would've looked during Marineford perhaps?

Or do you think that Garp is unfortunately undergoing a "rusty" tax? ( He didn't do much during MF but didn't look TOO impressive ).


@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @AkainuTheGrimReaper @MarineHQ @Ssg super suit coby

I personally think if he kept at least 50% of the power, only BB and Kuzan should stop him. Not any fucking Avalos, Shiryus and etc...
Low top tier.

He loses to the Admirals, Mihawk, Dragon, and maybe Fairy condom.