Garp turned down the Admiral promotion because he knew he was too disgracefully weak to hold the rank. This is Garp after one punch from Gear 2 Haki-less Luffy and moments before getting bloodied by Dadan
Why yall down playing Garp lol. Isn't he a marine? Actually, he's the marine with the best portrayal in his prime so far until we see more from Aka and co.
Eh honestly; we saw enough to understand Kumas character. All we need is how Kuma became king of sorbet kingdom which I feel Bonney will just give that exposition when she meets dragon
Really? All we got is him being abused. I kinda wanted to see why he joined Dragon and gave himself up to the Gov etc


Welcome back bro
Yo Captian :pepemwai:

I thought I was out 4 real, then I got troll Skype messages from my friend who has the chapter laughing at "One Piece fans"

Why do they refuse to delete my account so I don't get the urge to meme again :pepehands:

This's gonna be me for the rest of the day now

......Minus the part where I have hot chicks in my bed tho :peperain: