El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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King and Queen were afraid to attack Babanuki but they jumped Aramaki on sight? Makes sense
Lejas and his croonies don’t understand how Tama ability works, except if given DIRECT order the people under her spell will not automatically antagonize their allies. This was the whole reason why she had to to give direct order on the main floor to switch side.
The only order we saw Tama give to Babanuki was to give a false report on the denden mushi.
Lejas and his croonies don’t understand how Tama ability works, except if given DIRECT order the people under her spell will not automatically antagonize their allies. This was the whole reason why she had to to give direct order on the main floor to switch side.
The only order we saw Tama give to Babanuki was to give a false report on the denden mushi.
Maybe he’ll change his tune when Kizaru and Luffy have an extreme diff fight
Why are you comforting him? I'm asking him to prove the evidence of King and Queen being cuffed during the fight vs Ryokugyu.

They are not cuffed when he bodies them.
What makes more sense, putting seastone on one of their most powerful opponents or giving them free healthcare and nursing them back to full heath?

Formerly Seth

What makes more sense, putting seastone on one of their most powerful opponents or giving them free healthcare and nursing them back to full heath?
There is no seastone cuffs on them and they healed with their Zoan abilities alone.

Why would they attack the alliance after Kaido died?

Formerly Seth

Really believe this or just trying to prove Tejas wrong even though he's absolutely right?
He's absolutely full of shit.

I ask him to show me where King and Queen are cuffed on the panel.

Dude screams and switches the narrative to: "Udon was a prison and seastone mine". He can't show evidence to back up his shit.

Is that how you argue with people too? Okay. Hang in there with Tejas eventually no one will respect your takes.
>FORMER prisoner mine
>Beast Pirates having something that looked like a party (ryokugyu telling them they should have let the booze age)
>« Navy doesn’t have manpower to spare to perform clean-up »= navy doesn’t have manpower to spare to chase after remnants of a fallen crew.
>The only officiers that were yeeted away from Onigashima and thus could have escaped capture (Like Buggy and Wapol did when they got bazooka by Luffy) were COINCIDENTALlY the only ones shown.

Braindead bots : muh invisible seastone handcuffs because I cant accept my agenda being destroyed
He's absolutely full of shit.

I ask him to show me where King and Queen are cuffed on the panel.

Dude screams and switches the narrative to: "Udon was a prison and seastone mine". He can't show evidence to back up his shit.

Is that how you argue with people too? Okay. Hang in there with Tejas eventually no one will respect your takes.
Just use logic, you don't have to see everything to know it's true, it's like if I expected a convicted murderer to not be in a prison cell just because I didn't see him in the cell with my own eyes.
On another note, why would I seek recognition from random nobodies on a forum?
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