El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Come in bois a Yonkou is begging the WG to make him King lmao.
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @Kurozumi Wiwi

Garp casually flexing by destroying a town. That's a KKG level feat

We all know Yonkos are frauds imo
Navy not attackin Yonkos is more of politics from Gorosei
Yonkos are Governments unofficial privateers afterall

This chapter showed that navy can attack Yonko anytime they want if theres no politics involved
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New Gen are been written bad or underwhelming except if you're popular like Law ,Zoro or Lufffy. Even Luffy looks like a joke now due to plot against seraphim

Luffy : new Gen Yonko but Oda has to dumb him down to struggle in 2v1 against a kid. A Yonko looking pathetic

Teach : new Gen Yonko but struggling hard against Law , begging WG to be King of Beehive, and Left Amazon without even looking good vs Rayleigh at least or beating anyone.

Kid : New Gen top pirate, 3B...but sacrificed for Shanks wank

Yeah yeah
Give us Shanks Piece
Shanks Piece is One Piece
He gave up his arm for one piece to get serialized:endthis::endthis:
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