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Day 3 end


When were you under the impression this game is..
Day 3 Ends

@Kiku / Shihoin Yoruichi has been lynched!​

You are Shihoin Yoruichi

“You’ve gotten stronger since the last time we were together, Soifon.”
[Passive - Feline Transformation] Being able to transform into a cat, Yoruichi is able to walk undetected into otherwise highly guarded locations. She is immune to watcher/tracker abilities.

[Passive - Flash Godess] Yoruichi holds the title "Flash Goddess" , because she has mastered this ability to the point where she can appear to be in several places at once, thus she is allowed to use one of her actions twice each cycle. Doesnt work on Hanki.
[Passive - Femme Fatale] Yoruichi is a beautiful as she is dangerous, the first male character that targets her each cycle will gain a refill to one of their abilities but then will have that ability disabled the next cycle.

[Passive - Knowledgeable] Yoruichi holds deep knowledge of the soul society, each cycle she will receive information of what one its notable members did that cycle.

[Active - Tentōken ] This wand like object allows it user to hover around in mid air, target a player with this and have them dodge the first 4 votes on them. Cannot be used in Lylo. Usable Day 3 or later. ( 1 shot) Non refillable.

[Active - Anti-Hierro Armor ] This armor is exceptionally durable, protecting the wearer's limbs even during the moment of their destruction. Target a player and gift them this. Rendering them super bullet proof. If you target one of your teammates with this however they will be unable to use destructive abilities for the duration of the effect. ( 1 shot)

[Active - Raioken ] Yoruichi fires off a flurry of high speed attacks onto a target, destroying one of their active abilities.
---Kido Expert--- Yoruichi may activate this to refill an ability, however she is unable to use Raioken that cycle.

[Active - Master Strategist] Yoruichi is a master strategist, she is the one that came up with the plan of invasion of the Soul Society. She is also the one who has her team's back in case they get into trouble. She can fake 1 action writeup per phase.

[Active - Hanki] Yoruichi may target a player each cycle and making them return innocent to investigations. Cannot self target.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Ryoka Mafia.
Day 3 ends
Night 3 begins
You have 23 hours to send in your actions

1- @Pot Goblin
2- @Dr_Professor83
3- @Michelle Marechiyo Omaeda/ Died Night 1
4- @Flower Replaced by @hime
5- @Lord Melkor
6- @Underworld Broker Nemu Kurotsuchi/ Killed Day 2
7- @Apollo
8- @Charlie Mayuri Kurotsuchi/ Died Night 2
9- @Dr. Watson Replaced by @Hayumi Modkilled Day 3
10- @TheAncientCenturion
11- @Xlaw
13- @Kerkovian
14- @T-Pein™
15- @MonochromeYoru
16- @MangoSenpai
17- @Yo Tan Wa
18- @Peroroncino
19- @Kobe
20- @AL sama
21- @Rottkins Jindabo Ikkanzaka/ Died Night 2
22- @Psylocke
23- @Sallucion
24- @~UwU~
25- @Lindltaylor
26- @Mr. Reloaded
27- @Reborn
28- @Adam 🍎 Inoue Orihime/ Lynched Day 2
29- @Ratchet
30- @Mashiro Blue
31- @Kiku
32- @Ekkologix
33- @Ultra
34- @SoulKiller Nanao Ise/ Lynched Day 1
35- @Destroya
Night 3 end


When were you under the impression this game is..
Night 3 is over , Day 4 will begin tomorrow 1 PM EST

Maybe sooner depending on if I manage to finish my irl stuff

1- @Pot Goblin
2- @Dr_Professor83
3- @Michelle Marechiyo Omaeda/ Died Night 1
4- @Flower Replaced by @hime
5- @Lord Melkor
6- @Underworld Broker Nemu Kurotsuchi/ Killed Day 2
7- @Apollo
8- @Charlie Mayuri Kurotsuchi/ Died Night 2
9- @Dr. Watson Replaced by @Hayumi Modkilled Day 3
10- @TheAncientCenturion
11- @Xlaw
13- @Kerkovian
14- @T-Pein™
15- @MonochromeYoru
16- @MangoSenpai
17- @Yo Tan Wa
18- @Peroroncino
19- @Kobe
20- @AL sama
21- @Rottkins Jindabo Ikkanzaka/ Died Night 2
22- @Psylocke
23- @Sallucion
24- @~UwU~
25- @Lindltaylor
26- @Mr. Reloaded
27- @Reborn
28- @Adam 🍎 Inoue Orihime/ Lynched Day 2
29- @Ratchet
30- @Mashiro Blue
31- @Kiku
32- @Ekkologix
33- @Ultra
34- @SoulKiller Nanao Ise/ Lynched Day 1
35- @Destroya


When were you under the impression this game is..
Day 4 start

Curfew was activated

@~UwU~ / Yasutora Sado has died

You are Yasutora Sado!

“The thing that we call power is dynamic, it keeps on changing.”

[Passive - Tough] Sado is a very muscular and tough man, his build allows him to not get crushed by the fights ahead and to carry on. He is immune to rolecrushes.

[Passive - Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant ] Sado is well versed in the art of unarmed combat, he is able to dodge and weave into fights. He will evade the first harmful action targetting him. Doesnt work on roleblocks.

[Passive - Enhanced durability] Sado is capable of taking a hit, he will survive the first kill directed at him in the game but will lose this passive afterwards.

[Passive - Musician] Sado is a great musician, he is especially good with the guitar. He will charm the first person targetting him each cycle and make their vote count for 0 against him.

[Active - El Directo] The end of the extension on Sado's shoulder opens up and charges up spiritual energy, resembling the flaming exhaust from a car engine. He releases a huge blast of spiritual energy. Target a player and rolecrush them for a phase.

[Active - Brazo Derecha De Gigante] Sado hurls his gigantic arm into the air and slams it into the ground, roleblocking the 5 lowest poster in the game for a phase. ( 2 shot)
--- Right Arm of the Devil---
Target a player and roleblock them for a phase.

[Active - Chad Catapult] A technique used by Sado to launch an ally into the air, allowing them to bypass roleblocks for a phase. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Grua Tirar] Sado targets a player and RPS them, if they lose you will rolecrush them through immunities for a cycle. If they lose they will be roleblocked for a cycle instead. Usable Day 3 or later. Exceptions may apply. (1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Ryoka Mafia.

you have 24 hours to discuss

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When were you under the impression this game is..

Korose, Kamishini No Yari was activated
Buto was activated

@Psylocke /Genshiro Okikiba has been killed!

You are Genshiro Okikiba!

[Passive - Loyalty] Genshiro is loyal to his captain commander Yamamoto, he will learn the name of the first ability that targets Yamamoto.

[Passive - Grisled Shinigami] Genshiro has been a shinigami for eons, this longevity allows him to knows much of what there is to know about the soul society, if he is targetted by anyone not of the gotei 13 he roleblock them the following cycle.

[Active - High Spiritual Power] Target a player and vote silence them. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Golden Guard] Target a player and protect them for a phase.

[Active - Deflecting Stance] Genshiro may assume this stance and deflect the first action targetting him in a phase towards its user. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Practical] Genshiro is a very practical man, he may target a wagon and learn of its true vote.( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Gotei 13
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