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What could have been...
not sure if this clears AL. they used gin's ability right as day started. might be purple simpling planning for the curfew

also AL lied about rolecrush

lastly, who healed uwu? he was supposed to die


What could have been...
the day didnt even start normal time. i find it very interesting purple team was this ready to shoot psylocke right as day start. the curfew was planned by purple is my take on this

anyway can push AL later. there r other scum in PoE now with nothing speaking for them

first uwu said he was poisoned last day and survived. he must go. none shud have healed him and there was a curfew. plus his role shud have been a weakass gatekeeper

uwu probbaly red? mango and X purple with AL. tpein can be puple. reborn can be red or purple

i find it hard to belive that all the vouches and IC are real. id be surprised if that was the case. how does mafia even win this
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