El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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To be fair Garp wanted all his grandsons to be Marines

Them mfs decided to be his opps
Kinda mot his fault
His grandsons becoming pirates is indeed not his fault.

Besides if he saved Ace he would’ve been deemed a traitor
He literally let Luffy punched him, with Sengoku fully realizing this, so Luffy could save Ace. Did anybody call him a traitor back then?

Also, Larp's trying to attack Akainu confirmed that he could not decide what he wanted to be.

Wanted to save Ace? Couldn't live with being a traitor.
Left Ace to die? Couldn't live with losing Ace.

I would have respected him more if he simply stood and cried when Ace got done in. At least, that way, he would have made it clear that he wanted to be a marine more than he wanted to be a grandfather. As it stands, he couldn't choose, so I have no reason to respect him.

All I want to see happening to Larp now is Shiryu stabbing him in the heart after Suke-Suke awakening negates all 5 senses and all levels of ACoO. :steef:
Stop reading panels without the aftermath.

This was a fucking gag by Oda.

Shanks steps in finally when he realizes what Ryokugyu was about to do.

Yamato is fucking trash. She is not a Top Tier and certainly not as strong as u imagine her to be.

Learn how the read mfker:

Gag panel:

Panel after that:

Momonosuke repeatedly fires Bolo Breath at Ryokugyu just reforms like nothing:


I was always thinking that @Agni Kaios is bugging you and you are not overreacting but it seems you have problems with reading for real.
The 2nd time wasn't a gag though, that's the thing.
Dude was yelling and everything.
That clearly got him.
And like I said before I don't understand why these Admiral wankers bash Yamato when they'd be wanking the Admirals if they did the same things she did.
Her track record is pretty impressive whether you like it or not.
-Blocked attacks from Kaidou
-Made Kaidou bleed and slammed him
-Slammed Aramaki and gave him a headache in base form
Why bother taking action for Coby then. Its a straight out War against a BB crew. WG has to take responsibility and if the swords logic is applied i see no problem with garo fighting Akainu given the amount of deeds he has done. Like I'm damn sure he knows of O'Hara incidence. Akainu has killed more innocents than Ace. Or garp wants to willingly stay WG and have cozy seat until required like mihawk took up Warlord title.
I don’t know garp’s mindset, none of us do until we have more insight on em but you know how Shanks was an idol to Luffy?

Garp is now that to Koby. I feel as though he believes Koby to be the future of the marines…….wait actually that is what Garp says this exact chapter


The 2nd time wasn't a gag though, that's the thing.
Dude was yelling and everything.
That clearly got him.
And like I said before I don't understand why these Admiral wankers bash Yamato when they'd be wanking the Admirals if they did the same things she did.
Her track record is pretty impressive whether you like it or not.
-Blocked attacks from Kaidou
-Made Kaidou bleed and slammed him
-Slammed Aramaki and gave him a headache in base form
Only reason they Bash Yamato is because Aside from luffy only Yamato and Zoro adcoc and they want a term clown version of Adcoc which Zoro and Yamato got.
1.Garp was credited for his win against xebec. He never wanted it and that’s why he doesn’t talk about it. Also we don’t know how that fight went.
2. He was struggling between family and his loyalty and legacy as a marine. That was the hole point of his role in that arc.
3. Didn’t really try to fight his friend
4. What’s done is done. Can’t undo it anyway. And Lakasuki was actually just doing his job. So why attacking him afterwards?
5. when sengoku resigns Kong actually says that garp also resigned and was asked to stay behind and help with the new recruits. And asked sengoku to do the same. Sengoku is also hanging around. Garp is literally the leader of sword. Sword is a faction of marines that have resigned. Do you even read the manga?
1. :catsure:
2. So, he can barely decide shit? :ronalaugh:
3. And now he is apparently also a doormat? :emohiyo:

4. Good to know he just sat on his ass and watched as Papazuki became FA as he knew it was not his place to meddle with Papazuki. :risitameh:

5. In what world is "resigning" while still enjoying the full perks of being a Marine VA qualifies as really resigning, dude? Do you even read the manga? :sanjismug:
1. :catsure:
2. So, he can barely decide shit? :ronalaugh:
3. And now he is apparently also a doormat? :emohiyo:

4. Good to know he just sat on his ass and watched as Papazuki became FA as he knew it was not his place to meddle with Papazuki. :risitameh:

5. In what world is "resigning" while still enjoying the full perks of being a Marine VA qualifies as really resigning, dude? Do you even read the manga? :sanjismug:
L opinions

Garp doesnt need some fraud title like FA to prove himself a leader, he leads
unlike Sackodooki

since being the FA, hes allowed more in <2 years than Sengoku allowed in his entire tenure

its only gonna get worse when YET another fraudmiral gets cooked (kizaru) and AGAIN when Mihawk owns one

all for the climatic end of his dogshit tenure of Luffy bitching him personally and wiping the CDS

Formerly Seth

The 2nd time wasn't a gag though, that's the thing.
Dude was yelling and everything.
That clearly got him.
And like I said before I don't understand why these Admiral wankers bash Yamato when they'd be wanking the Admirals if they did the same things she did.
Her track record is pretty impressive whether you like it or not.
-Blocked attacks from Kaidou
-Made Kaidou bleed and slammed him
-Slammed Aramaki and gave him a headache in base form

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
AdvCoC and a named attack all in the name of town level DC

low key that's kinda sad isn't it?
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Celestial D. Dragon @MarineHQ
Nah man. We’ve never seen AdCoC with this level of power on panel. Not from Shanks, not from Crydo, not from Oden, etc. this is legit the most destructive AdCoC we’ve ever seen.

In terms of DC in general, sure we’ve seen much better but purely as an AdCoC feat Garp is the king right now.
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