El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Garp wanted to take the hit. He wanted Luffy to save Ace.
Garp would die if Whitebeard jumped him in that manner without any protection, and would not be able to throw in a deadly attack like Meigou amidst the chaos. Very few characters can survive that assault.

Akainu didn’t even give two craps, he simply lost his footing and immediately set off for his prime target which is Luffy. There he blitzed Ivankov and Jinbe then fought 14 commanders.
Good luck finding a character with these feats
Yeah kinda like Zoro needs to touch Pica to cut it while Mihawk cuts a mountain far bigger than Pica without touching it

I wonder why we don't show same energy there 🤔
ALways trying to do everything to wank zoro lmao im sory but cuting stuff was always less impressive then destroying it. If zoro owuld ahve completely obliterate pica and his golum in 1 attack and nothing was left now ok but no .
Kaido has been captured by marines several times tho..won't garp have attacked him several times?

PLot obviously each time we hear about one of kaido execution it is done by a random.
Hanged ?
Pierce with a spear ?
Guilotine ?
They did not asked garp to punch of love him to death.
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