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I do need to set some rules and expectations around subs. In this case though I don't feel like anything can be done - if someone says they're sick then I think it best to take them at their word. I do expect Flower to take better care in making sure she can stay in games where possible but I can't expect someone to play through when they feel awful either. Basically I can't really offer a workable fix, I can only set guidelines and expectations. I don't want to get to the point where I'm having to question whether someone is telling the truth about being ill or not and I think it's probably best to assume they are and leave that stone unturned.
I think there is a solution: Modkill. If you do that, then she will know the implications of it and not sign up when she cannot fully commit.

Posting 300-500 posts in games running at the same, then complaining about health issues is not our fault. She should know better.
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