How about a General Bet Thread?


Touch The Grass
Calm down, it has nothing to do with bets involving money (lol) just a Thread where users bet with each other, events that may or may not happen in the Manga (any manga),
for example:
-I bet with User X that Y character will fight against Character Z in the next chapter.

Whoever loses has to use an avi that the winner chooses. What do you think?
The idea is nice and all, but a general bet thread would be too much as you need to keep up with the betting schedule.

A better thread would be "General Predictions Thread" as users will predict what will happen but no bets here.

If you want a bet thread then it's better to create multiple threads in which one thread is about one particular bet. Multiple bets in a single thread will be chaotic.

Mr. Reloaded

Professional backstabber
The idea is nice and all, but a general bet thread would be too much as you need to keep up with the betting schedule.

A better thread would be "General Predictions Thread" as users will predict what will happen but no bets here.

If you want a bet thread then it's better to create multiple threads in which one thread is about one particular bet. Multiple bets in a single thread will be chaotic.