Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Well, I wasn't gonna watch it either way.
Yeah, she’ll make enough money off this that I can safely avoid it…the only reason to support a show led by such a reprehensible troll is to benefit below-the-line workers who just want to make a living, so it feels a little shitty to ignore them, but I personally don’t feel like putting any more coins into Rowling’s coffers :zehaha:
I’m reminded of a quote I saw a while back…people aren’t being persecuted for believing in Christ, they’re being held accountable for not acting like him or taking his lessons to heart. A fish rots from the head down, sure, but these pastors and priests feel like they can get away with anything because the congregations let them; nobody’s gonna go against their own in that crowd, lest their own misdeeds come to light. You’d have to ask someone smarter (or more shameless) than me why the same people are comfortable with condoning grooming and child molestation when it happens on their side, but not any others :luuh:
pure facts
Especially this part
people aren’t being persecuted for believing in Christ, they’re being held accountable for not acting like him or taking his lessons to heart.
God bless you
Why would He start now?? :wellwell:

In all honesty, I have less of a problem with a practicing Christian than one in name only who acts like an asshole…if you’re gonna hide behind your beliefs, they better be real and your actions defensible, otherwise you shouldn’t be taken seriously :sadgrin:
I’m not a Christian but it hurts me to see how two faced people act in the name of God and harm two sides, the religion and innocent people
This why we Alevis give our "priests" (we call them Dede or Pir) no huge status. It’s even forbidden for them to collect money. Sometimes they get money from some people but they NEED to share every cent with poor people if that happens
Work for God with no egoistic gain is the motto
Assholes are everywhere, also among my people but the bad part is when you cover the flaws and act like a hypocrite
Who should take someone like this serious?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
So our government - largely composed of soulless husks WE elected to represent our interests - spends its time doing one of three things: Denying people basic healthcare, funneling dark money to Namibian and Haitian insurgents, or using Nazi techniques to do freaky Doctor Moreau shit…good system, no notes :toximoji:
Don't forgot that corporations, when they wanna spend extra money, can request the US government to use tax dollars to pay hush money to any news outlet or civilians from talking about how the big corps destroy the quality of life in Mexico, forcing residents to migrate up North to America.

Doesn't look too good for the anti-immigration crowd. MURICA!

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Don't forgot that corporations, when they wanna spend extra money, can request the US government to use tax dollars to pay hush money to any news outlet or civilians from talking about how the big corps destroy the quality of life in Mexico, forcing residents to migrate up North to America.

Doesn't look too good for the anti-immigration crowd. MURICA!
Corporations are ALSO evil?! Shit, man, who can we even trust these days…at least the police are still morally upstanding her- *gunshots, more gunshots, WAY too many gunshots for the situation, frantic screaming about not turning off the body cams first, the shuffle of feet and the clatter of a bunch of guns dropping by my blood-strewn arm as I lay dying on the ground* :beckmoji::beckmoji::beckmoji:
nobody’s gonna go against their own in that crowd, lest their own misdeeds come to light.
Same can be said about teachers and doctors.
Cult behavior

All that crying over the video game for nothing. And now she's back :risitavirus:
That woman looks more and more like an aristocrat

the bad part is when you cover the flaws and act like a hypocrite
Who should take someone like this serious?
This rule should apply to any group.