Queen wasn’t defeated, in fact it was the opposite, he KO’d her
they literally said he was defeated in 2 hits. Big mom just had her amnesia taken away, queen even says something like "i thought you were defeated" or something. Not trying to downplay queen im just saying oda doesnt care about clowning future opponents and ruining their hype beforehand unless its luffys opponents. And word is that this chapter is all about garp hype, so its not looking good. Even shiryu might not be safe


Pizarro animates the island.
Shiryu turns it completely invisible.
SniperGuy teleports it above the Grand Line
BB: "I'm the new Mariegeoise now."
Island drops over CDs and Imu, killing all on impact.
Unfortunately the BBP die too, having underestimated gravity.
The remaining WG covers up this second God Valley incident and relocates further to the left.