Doesn't this hint that Heart pirates got bodied
Now that you mention it.......
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I'm sure Redon is laughing at all of you shoving things up your ass because of hype and the spoilers are going to be exact opposite. Didnt we have an anti marine agebda chapter a few weeks back which went away immidiately once the real spoils were out? :kobeha:
Nah fam. We also had an anti kidd agenda only for it to even be WORSE for kidd than the spoilers and hints suggested lol.
Ok if I had to take a guess

- Sword shows what they can do this chapter.

Koby (gets a lot of shine this chapter) with helmeppo and tashigi get some hype this chapter since hibari, gruss, kuchaka got hype last chapter.

- garp flexes on the bb pirates knocking out a few of them after they have been damaged by members of sword.

- scene shifts to egghead with us seeing bb on the ship heading to egghead with a law laying on the ground with Burgess sitting on top of him.

- we also get a panel of aoikiji on the ship as well. He froze the seabeasts in the water and essentially low diffs all egghead protections (like the new pacifistas etc)