Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Zoro never said he expects Luffy to be much stronger than himself. You pulled that putta nowhere. The gap b/w Zoro and Luffy was the smallest post TS when he says what he says.

The whole admiral and underlings anology has no correlation with what Zoro said whatsoever. You're creating non-existent connections there to enforce a rule that never existed in the first place. As I said before no rule prevents underlings from being as strong as their captains. People just don't prefer following people that are no stronger than them while there are exceptions to the rule. Even that doesn't apply to whatever nonsensical logic you're trying to propagate because that doesn't prevent one crews underlying from being stronger than another crew's or organisation's leader even if he's weaker than his own captain.

Prime Rayleigh was stronger than admirals. Oden was likely stronger than some admirals too. Pirate underling Kuzan is also likely stronger than some admirals although I've got no issues if you don't agree with that.
Luffy one-shots 50.000 men army, Zolo admits inferiority vs. his captain, its that simple. Zolo's CoC couldn't do even half at that time. The difference must be noticeable with the captain.

Rayleigh was not stronger than Sengoku (Rayleigh's era Admiral), that's why Rayleigh's superior Roger was calling out Garp or Sengoku to fight, they could present a challenge to Rayleigh's superior Roger, by Roger's own admission. And you expect Rayleigh to be stronger than the guys that could present challenge to Rayleigh's superior.

Oden wasn't stronger than an Admiral, Roger swat Oden like a fly, and 1 chapter ago he was calling out Admiral Sengoku, Kaido got stronger after his battle with Oden as well, Kaido didn't use any of his techniques except for 1 technique which is Bolo Breath vs. Oden. Kaido showed he got stronger with many new techniques and superior Haki level later, he splitted heavens, those things never happened vs. Oden.
Teach can create tsunamis and earthquakes. He never needed his crew for Law, Oda just showed them off to reveal their DFs. He probably brought his crew on the chance that he ran into Luffy.
Submarines are unaffected by tsunamis. A submarine can dive much deeper than the affect of a tsunami. An earthquake affecting a submarine is even more ridiculous. But, OP is not the real world. So, maybe in Oda's world they would affect a submarine.
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