Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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read that being portrayed as awake surrounded by sleeping people is a death flag

then again these color spreads have never meant anything
I don't mind the Death of Sanji, I'd be sad but Him Dying by a women has always been in his cards in my mind and would explain why he got the extra flashback other straw hats did not. The execution must be top notch.

Im not so sure, otherwise why not just name him then lol.

- Dragon makes little sense since hes not roaming the New World sinking other priate ships.

- Definitely not Weevil

- Definitely not Kuma

- Not Ochoku since BB defeated him at Fullalead (though Im sure we'll see him eventually)

- Rocks would be odd considering Sengoku said he was dead (but who knows tbh)

- Silver Axe or Scopper are the best guesses by virtue of us knowing jack shit about them still lol

So i guess either those last 2 or someone new. @Bounty brought up a good point to me that Kidd and BB knowing about the Burned Man may have to do with their affiliation with the Underworld, so it could also be that Umit, Peclo or Giberson know of the mans existance, so maybe we encounter them at some point.

What would be cool is if theres this Yonko level pirate just roaming the Lodestar area preventing anyone from taking the RP if they find him, but maybe thats too much at this point lol.
I was thinking Scopper as my next best guess, primarily because someone who has the last poneglyph in theory has to be that strong
Super confidential hint for next chapter:
- garp has a flashback of good old times with Kuzan
- ice spikes grow out of the floor and pierce through Garp's torso and both his hands (even though he had them covered in CoA)
- "you have grown weak senpai"
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