Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Man with burn marks

Has to be a character we've seen in the story so far or heard of

Im not so sure, otherwise why not just name him then lol.

- Dragon makes little sense since hes not roaming the New World sinking other priate ships.

- Definitely not Weevil

- Definitely not Kuma

- Not Ochoku since BB defeated him at Fullalead (though Im sure we'll see him eventually)

- Rocks would be odd considering Sengoku said he was dead (but who knows tbh)

- Silver Axe or Scopper are the best guesses by virtue of us knowing jack shit about them still lol

So i guess either those last 2 or someone new. @Bounty brought up a good point to me that Kidd and BB knowing about the Burned Man may have to do with their affiliation with the Underworld, so it could also be that Umit, Peclo or Giberson know of the mans existance, so maybe we encounter them at some point.

What would be cool is if theres this Yonko level pirate just roaming the Lodestar area preventing anyone from taking the RP if they find him, but maybe thats too much at this point lol.
Altering the future when making a move is one thing, but to act like Shanks does not consistently have an advantage with Fs against someone whose entire problem is needing openings to land attacks on his target is disingeneous.
Anything Law tries is consistently foreshadowed to Shanks, all he has to do is dodge and Law is leaving himself open.

If he wanted to actually dodge, then yes.
Unless you're using AoE against these type of characters.

The problem for Law is, his only AoE move (ROOM cutting) is also useless against Shanks.

Put Law in the same scenario (prepping K-Room to take out Shanks' subordinates).
How will Law teleport, again? He can't use Room to teleport & K-Room at the same time anyway.

Law might be superior than Kid, but against Shanks it's pointless anyway. And if Shanks sees the future, he would know exactly where Law's teleporting to.
"Anything Law tries is consistently foreshadowed to Shanks, all he has to do is dodge and Law is leaving himself open."

future sight is mostly in spurts rather than a continuous stream so anything law does isnt consistently foreshadowed to shanks because again one action to alter the future changes the immediate future you saw.
the only character has come close to make it so and that was katakuri who also had the advantage of a malleable body but even he had moments of lapse. luffy kaido , the two others who have it have failed to consistently prevent what others are capable of doing to them,

"The problem for Law is, his only AoE move (ROOM cutting) is also useless against Shanks."

he doesnt need to cut him , law's df is a master of space but while he isnt capable of manipulating shanks like big mom or kaido , in a moments notice he's very capable of transporting himself , the things/objects around him and consecutively launching a counter attack , did this to kaido with injection shot and guarded himself with curtain before a thunder bagua. his awakening moves are just fine even the non awakened ones would torch a human like shanks . the thing is he doesnt need to land to many of them to hurt a top tier , one or two and they are pretty banged up.

Kroom hardly requires the prep time as kid's ultimate literally crafted in a moment was he spotted BB and shambles has been done consistently in conjunction with other attacks which have required some prep time like gamma knife and injection shot. Kid is simply one the most immobile sn's stretching from the time kaido's gust winds would rip at his scrap metal parts.
with law you have prob the most mobile one. its a poor comparison.

If you judged future-sight consistently like this then zoro for instance would have to dodge luffy an entire bout leaving openings everywhere and we will have ourselves at a low diff or perhaps we recognize it doesnt grant consistent immunity and a lot of its advantages depend on the character who has it and the tools available to the character fighting them.
Oda just dont want to see Kidd and Law at the pirate king completion . They are toooooooo weak.
The way Law escaped is like how Kinemon lives . Just a bullshit :) But they can be fleet captains of Luffy anymore :) . Also I do not understand. If their ship destroyed and Bepo jump into sea , how can they survive ? How can nobody follow bepo and law ? because of sea ? :)))
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