Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

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Pepebusi Spammer
Zoro: Shit! We have no choice but to get away!
Fodder1: Gyahaha, hey they are running away!
Fodder2: Chase him!
Zoro: (If we accumulate damage here, our bodies will not hold until the fight against Kaidou!!
As expected it's not only that they are a lot! It's thick-layered...)
Zoro's statement smh. Why would you attack the fodder if you dont want to get counter attacked :seriously:
Sequence of Events imo:
1.Luffy attacks fodder
2.Apoo attacks Luffy when Luffy is already dealing with fodder
3. Luffy gets hit on the face
4. Zoro sees Apoo and identifies him
5. Luffy's head blows
6. Luffy gets knocked out for some time, Zoro helps Luffy escape by carrying him.
7. Luffy regains consciousness
8. Apoo attacks and slashes Zoro.
9. Both Zoro and Luffy lose their beast pirate outfits
10. Kid attacks Apoo
Now it makes sense. Thanks :cheers:


The Honoured One
Honestly though, Apoo’s fruit is dynamic as hell offensively, maybe even more than Law’s. The only thing that matches it in terms of the effectiveness of the attack in any given location is Fishman Katate, as Fishman Karate uses water from everywhere in the environment. The only difference is Apoo uses sound, which travels faster. Must be almost impossible to defend.
You changed your tune real quick

Must be impossible to dodge since LLuffy got dropped
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