Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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oden was the new hot thing and roger wanted to see he was about, but has nothing to do with sengoku, nothing putting ray over sengoku , roger is not about to lose to shiki if he had sengoku
Doesn't matter. Common sense dictates that Oden is weaker than Whitebeard by a good amount. Especially given Whitebeards personality.

And Roger still thought that would be a fun fight.

I don't see why subordinate status doesn't meant you can't be above Sengoku. I mean. Kuzan is a subordinate. And clearly not a spy. And he's arguably relative to prime Sengoku.
He wouldn't because he's weaker than the Guardians, forget the Dukes. This is impressive and all but let's not blow this out of proportion. He just looks huge and scary, that's about it. Even Pekoms looks similarly scary and is huge.
Nah he ain't weaker than them, just look at his size his sulong is clearly abnormal:endthis:

Sasaki Kojirō

Yup a kuzan whos holding back got punched by Garp

Such a bad portrayal/s
He didn't get punched by Garp, do you think he would be breathing if Garp had punched him? LOL

The garp just shut his mouth with a nice handshake, squished his head like an egg, and tossed him for the dogs to eat. LOL
yo i missed this the first time i read the spoilers
as you guys know most braindead op readers/viewers believe the yonko could beat the marines and topple the WG if they wanted to

well shiryu confirms in this chapter that the yonko in fact can't topple the WG/marines not even if it means to leave the title of pirate king behind

(Shiryuu) I'm of the belief that it's someone from the government. The truth is, the World Government is real shady deep down. If they held onto one of the stones...
The pirates wouldn't be able to reach the One Piece.

@Elder Lee Hung @MarineHQ @SakazOuki @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Playa4321 @Sentinel @King7 @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Admiral Mou Bu @silverfire @scoobie3 @Seraphoenix @Swallalala @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea
Get off the dick holy shit
All those pings and for what?
Okay! What a phenomenal chapter for Admiral fans, holy shit. Kuzan is the goat. I am legit scared for Garp’s life right now, and keep in mind that I truly want to see Garp die at some point lol.

So I got tagged a dozen times and I’ll try to respond to you all in one way or another.

First thing is first: @Pew and @DruMzTV , you guys are fucking liars and frauds. Like, I’m sure you guys are both cool dudes, I wish you no harm or bad fortune, but you are absolutely tripping if you think I will let either of you live this down. Leak all the fake shit you want about Zolo or Sanji or who the fuck ever, but you leak fake shit about one of my top 3 favorite OP characters, and I will be there every spoiler thread to remind people that you guys have zero credibility whatsoever.

Pew, you didn’t even get raws and yet you claimed that Garp absolutely dominated Aokiji this fight. Clearly that was a Fucking lie as it looks like Aokiji just became the second individual in this manga (after Ryokugyu) to tank an AdCoC attack with zero damage. Where was your mention of that early on?? But more on this later.

Drumz, you tweeted a picture of Garp and said “goodbye”, which clearly meant absolutely fucking nothing as neither Garp nor Aokiji died or were defeated here. I can excuse your Aizen tweet because maybe that referenced Law, but clearly your Garp tweet was just straight up nonsense.

Once again @Lance_Dragonite proves himself the only even remotely reliable spoiler provider now that @EtenBoby is retired. Pew and Drumz won’t be able to so much as look at these spoiler threads without me popping in to remind everyone that these guys are not providers. My own leakers proved more credible than these two, and yet WorstGen users built these guys up as reliable providers when they had zero information lol. And once again, my own leakers have a mixed record but they were the ones leaking more accurate shit than the guys WorstGen hoisted up on a pedastal.

Alright, enough of that. The actual chapter. These are my unfiltered troll-free thoughts.

Kuzan is either straight up stronger or as strong as Teach, I don’t care what rank he decides to fill in Teach’s crew and this chapter hardcore reinforces that. Kuzan could’ve volunteered to be Teach’s cabin boy and that wouldn’t change the fact that he is not weaker than Teach.

You literally have:
A) Teach being too cowardly to fight Rayleigh while Kuzan enthusiastically challenged Garp
B) Kuzan negging multiple of Teach’s commanders before challenging Teach’s whole crew to a fight, only to have Teach back down and apologize to Kuzan. When his whole Fucking crew was present.

Like I said previously, I won’t outright say Kuzan > Teach but the man looks objectively better. If the roles were reversed, Yonko fans would literally not shut the fuck up about how much better Teach looks.

Alright so Aokiji vs Garp. There’s not much to comment on other than the fact that I’m pretty positive Kuzan just tanked Garp’s AdCoC with zero damage like I said. If Kuzan actually took damage from this, Oda sure didn’t care enough to show it lol. I’ll look at the official panels more and talk about it then I guess.

Kuzan at this point officially holds the record for most Yonko commanders defeated lol, man has defeated Jozu, Cracker, Wolf, Doc Q, and Vasco for a total of five lol. I wonder if anyone will break that record?

Anyway some non-power level related thoughts: Kuzan appears to genuinely want to be a part of Teach’s crew and not be a spy…..which is exactly what a spy would want you to think, right? Nah I’m just kidding, for now. I really do wonder what Kuzan’s goal is then if all the sudden he is a genuine pirate. And I strongly suspect that this means we’ll get a real bounty for Kuzan soonish.

Also, the man with the burning flames plot line has officially become more interesting than any Yonko plot line I’ve read, the idea that there is this mythical secret figure in the new world sailing around with a Road Poneglyph wrecking ships with maelstroms is quite awesome. I hope this guy is a new character and not someone we’ve already met.

Anyway. Rejoice Admiralgang, this was indeed a great chapter for Navy bros.

@MarineHQ @SakazOuki @The White Crane @Kurozumi Wiwi @Wuuuke @Playa4321 @Sentinel @King7 @Apollo @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Admiral Mou Bu @silverfire @scoobie3 @Seraphoenix @Swallalala @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @everyone else who tagged me
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