And If it is not Dragon ,Luffy was the closest to this man since maybe 2 decades :quest:
Lmao the foreshadowing 2 decades back. This perfectly fits what Lafitte said last chapter. How can you explain a sudden whirlpool when Luffy said the weather is fine? This man met Luffy at the start of his pirate Life.
Just imagine if this man is Dragon. He must have told Garp to hide him. Was present when Luffy took his first step into the sea. Was present at Logue town. His friend Kuma and Ivankov has helped him in life or death situation and I am getting sure that he'll be at Egghead with Vegapank in it.:crazwhat:
1082: The Worlds Strongest Swordsman
- Mihawk is sailing towards Impel Down on his own
- We see some characters inside Impel Down reacting to this news, like: Magellan, Doflamingo, Weevil
- Marine ships are send to stop Mihawk
- Mihawk uses a named attack called 'Nocturnal Demise', it seems like an advance CoC attack because there are black sparks all over it
- The attack cuts all Marine ships in half horizontally and also cuts of the complete top of Impel Down
- Magellan is calling Akainu to send reinforcemens, Greenbull is nearby and is on his way
- Chapter ends with prisoners escaping and Mihawk walking down deeper into Impel Down

