Family Feud - Round 1 -

Adam ๐ŸŽ

Pretty Boy
Uhhh. Tell the company/boss to fuck off/fuck themselves.
Well we know who was fired

Survey says


Flip the Bird/Tell them to fuck off
7 votes!

All other answers!

Leave 13
Destroy the place 8
Flip the Bird 7
Cry 6
Look for a new job 4
Rant 3
Drink 3
Read manga 2
Sleep 2
play games 2​

Light team got total of 28 votes with previous 24 and 19 making it 71 points

Team 2 has 0 points

With that Team 2 is no longer unable to win and team 1 takes it!

Congrats @Junatic @Yelan @MangoSenpai @Light D Lamperouge

There was supposed to be a lightning round but consider it is hard to pull it on forum i'll skip it.


Second game will start next week, Team 3 will face Team 4!

Let me know if you want more OP question on survey or Real Life stuff

@Junatic @Light D Lamperouge @Yelan @MangoSenpai @TheAncientCenturion @Natalija @Rottkins @Rej @SmokedOut @Sir Yasheen @Warchief Sanji D Goat @CoC: Color of Clowns @Pot Goblin @Mr. Reloaded @Kurozumi Bepo @ShiShiShi @Flower @Seatonnes @Krusher1357 @Phoenix D. King @Jaguark101 @Infitima @Admiral Maynard @TheKnightOfTheSea @RayanOO @Cutty Jewboy @Kagurashii @Lhulu


Lunatic Queen
It started already? Dammit! Rly sorry for lettin you down, @Light D Lamperouge ! Couldn't come earlier. :josad:

I'd def have answered Buggy for the first question, that's the answer I gave in the survey. I mean he's literally a fraud in the story, that's what defines the char, guys. :suresure:Aight GJ Light for findin the #2 pick and carryin the whole team, you're the boss! :cheers:

Actually I misunderstood the question. I thought the implication was that it'd be a char we like so we'd be disappointed when findin out he's the burglar. Don't ask me how I came to that conclusion. :suresure:And I'm so dumb that I accidendally sent my answers before answerin all the questions. :lawsigh:

Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
It started already? Dammit! Rly sorry for lettin you down, @Light D Lamperouge ! Couldn't come earlier. :josad:

I'd def have answered Buggy for the first question, that's the answer I gave in the survey. I mean he's literally a fraud in the story, that's what defines the char, guys. :suresure:Aight GJ Light for findin the #2 pick and carryin the whole team, you're the boss! :cheers:

Actually I misunderstood the question. I thought the implication was that it'd be a char we like so we'd be disappointed when findin out he's the burglar. Don't ask me how I came to that conclusion. :suresure:And I'm so dumb that I accidendally sent my answers before answerin all the questions. :lawsigh:
We made it :endthis: