Questions & Mysteries It's not Dragon.


The man marked by flames' ship is black. Dragon's ship, in all official sources from bandai merch to the official color manga from shueisha made with Oda's color picks, is brown, green, and red.

Stop posting pictures of Dragon's ship in the middle of the night and saying it's black. Stop posting pictures of dragon's ship in the middle of the night in the black and white manga and saying that contradicts every other official source. It's not black.


The man marked by flames' ship is black. Dragon's ship, in all official sources from bandai merch to the official color manga from shueisha made with Oda's color picks, is brown, green, and red.

Stop posting pictures of Dragon's ship in the middle of the night and saying it's black. Stop posting pictures of dragon's ship in the middle of the night in the black and white manga and saying that contradicts every other official source. It's not black.

So what do you do of the fact the poneglyph is on Vera?:endthis:
Yeah the theory that it's Dragon falls apart when you think about it for more than 5 seconds

1. The revolutionaries currently operate in Paradise, but this guy seems to operate deep in the New World
2. The man marked by flames is such a mystery that people only know him by the fact that he has burn scars. Dragon on the other hand is a political figure known all over the world
3. The leader of the revolutionaries probably has more important stuff to do than sail around the New World aimlessly and gatekeep pirates from Laugh Tale
4. Dragon has never once shown interest in the One Piece
5. Dragon was radicalized by the destruction of Ohara. He's not the type to stop people from discovering the world's true history
6. Dragon does not have any burn scars
7. Dragon has been shown to be a pretty kindhearted with a strong sense of honor. Would be out of character for him to sink random ships

I think people just want Dragon to finally do something and are trying to connect him to every plot point regardless of how much sense it makes


10th Titanic Captain is Aokiji.

Man Marked by Flames is Aokiji.

Imu is Aokiji.

Pirate King is Aokiji.

JoyBoy is Aokiji.

Nika is Aokiji.

Everything from now on will be Aokiji.